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Noösphere Publishing


Super Member
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Whitehorse, Yukon
Noösphere Publishing lacks a thread here. Appears to be a Canadian small press specializing in science fiction/fantasy, but:

a) No submission guidelines on their site;
b) "Store" link leads to shirts & apparel instead of books (?). Some of the books don't have purchase links at all on their pages (?);
c) Owner is one of the three authors. She seems well-connected and her books have positive blurbs from Mark Millar & others, but there isn't nearly as much attention paid to the other authors on the site.

Since there aren't many books out from them just yet, I'm not sure I can fish for much info. Nevertheless, does anyone know anything about this? I'm only aware of it because I follow Kiri Callaghan's blog, and I'm kind of confused at the way the operation is presenting itself.

Site: http://blakenorthcott.com/noosphere/about.shtml

(This links to the "About" page, because the main page doesn't have any links to the rest of the site, just to a kickstarter page and the primary author's website...)