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New Line Press

B Robb Steinberg

I am interested in finding out about a publisher called "New Line Press." I went to their web site at www.newlinepress.com. This one-page web site listed that it had one novel, an acquisition of an existing novel. Further, that it had just one (and brief) sentence in it and the publisher on its banner web site incorrectly spelled "acquisition." Also, that there was nothing else to click on. And, finally, New Line Press claimed to be a subsidiary of a publishing house in established 26 years ago -- but doesn't say what this publishing house is (e.g. -- a subsidiary of Bantam). Does ANYBODY have information out there on New Line Press?

Looking Before Leaping


seems odd. i wouldn't trust an inept start-up unless i really knew more about them.

here is the new line link to amazon:

their new title was originally publish by Gardenia press (you might find more about them by going through some of the bewares posts. i vaguely remember it somewhere in here).


also, check out Preditors and Editors.

apparently, gardenia filed for bankruptcy. maybe New Line is the new gardenia. maybe dave or victoria heard about them.

B Robb Steinberg

Helpful answer; thank you

Thank you, Emeraldcite. P&E does not have a listing for New Line Press, good, bad, or indifferent. The copyright on the web site says 2004 so perhaps New Line is a startup formed by somebody. It is curious, though, that a new web site for a new (maybe) book publisher would list an acquisition book but not its first-run books nor its parent company. Perhaps it should be followed carefully to see what develops. (Maybe into something good?) There's not enough information to tell right now.

Thanks again

James D Macdonald

Re: Helpful answer; thank you

Be not the first by whom the new is tried
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside....

-- Alexander Pope


Go For It!!!

Don't be scared! Copywright your work and send them a copy of something you want published! See what they have to offer you! The market is too small to be afraid of risk taking. And for the be not the first business... We would be in England drinking heavily taxed tea right now if some of our forefathers weren't the first!!!

Betty W01

Re: Go For It!!!

Bent Brain,

Can you tell those of us reading your posts a little bit about yourself and your credentials? I mean, we know who Uncle Jimmy is and why his advice is important...

just wondering:shrug



are crazy, bent brain. that's the worst advice i've heard in a long, long time. get away from this press, person.

Roger J Carlson

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West Michigan
Their site has two books listed now, both of which are by Catherine Burr. It also states that submissions are by invitation only. I suspect a small press or self-publisher. A Google search produced only this thread.


Mostly Harmless
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Now has a couple books from different authors.


Mostly Harmless
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Coastal Desert
Most recent books are from '14, and are Kindle editions of earlier pbs. Still actively promoting, though.

ETA: updating URL https://newlinepress.wordpress.com/. Everything since '14 by owner.
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