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NeoPoiesis Press


Absolute Blight
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
I had a novel accepted by a small literary publisher called NeoPoiesis Press. The editor called me and was very enthusiastic about the book, everything was very positive. Then I received the contract. The royalties and rights in the contract were different than what the editor had told me on the phone and in emails. It was not an author-friendly contract.

I had the opportunity to run the contract by a retired agent who discussed it with his friend, a retired entertainment lawyer, and they agreed that the contract was all for the benefit of the publisher and not the author and did not provide adequate protection of the author’s rights.

I sent the editor some proposed amendments to the contract to bring it into line with what I had been promised by email. Then, another NeoPoiesis editor contacted me and said the editor I was working with was ill and asked me to withdraw my manuscript as the “contract dispute” was causing too much stress. He also said that the company could not afford to rewrite the contract and that they would not change their contract to suit an individual author’s needs.

I felt this was extremely unprofessional – if they want to reject me, that’s fine, but asking an author to withdraw an accepted ms is outrageous.
I did withdraw the manuscript, not because I was asked to, but because I decided NeoPoiesis Press was was not a company I wanted to work with. Any publisher who tells you one thing and has something else written in the contract is to be approached with caution.
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Becca C.

Super Member
Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
near Vancouver, BC
Good on you for withdrawing! I think you're avoiding some serious headache and heartache with this one. Yikes.

ETA: I had a closer look. Looks like they publish a lot of poetry and some very New Age-y stuff. This is the description for one book of poetry:

sum uv th most romantik poetree evr writtn shakespeare elizabeth barrett browning n rumi wud love as i dew open heart sutra surgery deels with zanee prsuayuns n hot physical needs delite in passyun yerning n finding th marvels uv langwage n desires satiaysyun betrayl distans ing loss is it all random what role duz our doomd intensyunalitee play whats goin on can we know mantra 4 opn life love lerning unlerning book a great book a great reed

I mean... yeah, poetry kind of has its own rules, but... really?!
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Grr. Argh.
Super Member
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Apparently, that nearly-incomprehensible paragraph was actually a blurb (the book below that one has an endorsement by Andrei Codrescu). I find it hard to trust a press who would think that blurb would be actually helpful in selling the book in any way whatsoever.

Becca C.

Super Member
Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
near Vancouver, BC
Apparently, that nearly-incomprehensible paragraph was actually a blurb (the book below that one has an endorsement by Andrei Codrescu). I find it hard to trust a press who would think that blurb would be actually helpful in selling the book in any way whatsoever.

Okay, wow... I didn't even pick up the fact that it was a blurb. That's doubly bad.