Absolute Write is the least dependable source of info about markets I know of. I seldom come here anymore. The forum seems to be loaded with comments, both negative and positive, from people who haven't taken even minimal trouble to do their homework. Personally, I don't care for Narrative Magazine myself, but the mag is taken seriously everywhere but here and a couple of crank blogs. The reading fees irritate a lot of people, including me, but the fees allow the mag to pay their writers - get it? pay them - comparatively well, and to fund substantial prizes. You pay substantial fees to enter contests, don't you?
Tell me: if this magazine is so flakey, why have Guggenheim fellows Gail Godwin and Bill Barich published there? Or Ted Kooser – the US poet laureate from 2004-2006?
Don't know why I'm bothering with this - it won't do any good. Just venting irritation, I guess. Bottom line: get professional, do your homework.