about Morgan James Publishing
Ah, the beauty of the web! A place that we all can share our opinions and ideas. It is unfortunate that sometimes the whole truth isn't always available, initially. But that is why comments and responses are so valuable.
I'm David Hancock, the founder of Morgan James Publishing. I founded it in 2003 with the sole intention of helping business people grow their business by the power of a book. I never imagined it would turn out as big as it is today. In fact you can read the whole back story at
Let me get to the point of my post. Publishing is changing. The existing model is broken. I know this for many reasons but also because I've been told by those in the industry. The big houses. Sure traditional publishing has money flowing only to the authors but the average author stands to loose the rights to the work and never see a dime more than the advance. The average advance as reported by Simba, is only $1,500. Not a big win for the authors.
Publishers actually loose more than authors do. According to a similar report, publishers actually loose money on 94% of the books published each year. Our collaborative approach is a win win for both the author and the publisher. We share in the profits and like most traditional publishers bear the bulk of the risk. Certainly doesn't mean self publishing. We are very picky about which books we will accept. I'd bet that the 3,800 authors we turned down last year don't feel like we were a self publishing house.
Yes, we do use one of the nations largest printing houses, but not exclusively the on demand feature. Lighting Source does all of our printing. From large offset runs to shorter runs based on the success of the books and the current demand.
We do have a sales force and full bookstore distribution. It happens to be Ingram Publisher Services. The same company that sells for and distributes for publishers, like Berrett-Koehler, Bloomberg, O'Reilly Media, and Severn House to name just a few. And it works. Right now we have books on shelves in major and minor bookstores across the country. Some even with Cover Out placement in Barnes and Noble. From authors you know, like Jay Conrad Levinson, Mark Victor Hansen, Joel Comm, Mitch Meyerson, and some that you will soon know, like Mitch Ditkoff, Tony Rubleski, Monroe Mann and more.
Rick Frishman is a brilliant industry expert. We began referring business to his firm in 2006. We didn't require it, but the work proves itself. We've actually doubled our book sales through the bookstores because of his work. It wasn't until January of 2008 that Rick came on as a partner and our Publisher. Our author education model, which is designed to help the authors succeed as a business author, was in place from the beginning. Rick's added value is just that, added value, to the authors and to us.
Okay, thanks for letting me share my opinion. We are not for everyone, but we do offer a good option for those looking for a better option.
I'm happy to answer any questions, alleviate any concerns or just chat about the industry. Feel free to contact me via MorganJamesPublishing.com.
David Hancock
David Hancock, Founder
Morgan James Publishing
The Entrepreneurial Publisher
1225 Franklin Ave Ste 325
Garden City, NY 11530