I got a sneak peek at their contract to my friend, which came a full month after they made him an offer. It's a very poor one.
And from what I've learned from him and others, there seems to be a serious lack of communication between the editors, principals, etc., and the authors, with unanswered emails, etc.
They even sent an edited manuscript back to this author who hadn't signed the contract, but rather had withdrawn his work. Another (better) publisher had made him an offer at the same time, and he took it, then notified Moongypsy that he was passing. They paid no attention to his notification.
Despite the fact that he had withdrawn his work, Moongypsy went ahead and edited it.
A certified letter seems to be the only way to communicate with these people. Fortunately, their address and telephone number was on the contract. They don't publish either on their website.
A near miss, but with a good ending. I hope.