Mischievous Muse is an environmentally friendly "green" alternative to traditional publishing.
Utilizing Print On Demand as our primary printing source,
books are only printed when purchased, thus
saving paper, trees, and other valuable resources. Here are some other aspects of Mischievous Muse Press to consider:
* Global distribution of high quality books (refundable)
* Faster publishing turnaround time
* Books released in hard-bound and paperback simultaneously to reach a wider demographic
* Author involvement in the decision making process
* Contract can be terminated any time (3 month notice required)
* Indefinite circulation --your book never goes out of print and will never get "dropped" due to low sales.
* Author retains copyright
* Custom Book Cover Art/ Dust Jacket Design
* Experienced Professional Editors
* All writers are treated with respect
* We work with the author to: Publish as well
as promote the book, get hard cover & trade paperback copies on the shelf in bookstores (A Level), create a marketing plan and boost public awareness of the book through the creation of publicity tools such as bookmarks, posters and shelf-talkers, readings and signings (A Level)
- *Mischievous Muse also represents the writer when larger publishing companies become interested in purchasing the book for mass market potential. Authors are encouraged to continue their journey to the "best-seller list" if a better opportunity presents itself.