So I did some digging around on Google during my lunchbreak and discovered that Mirador Publishing has a sister company - Belvedere Publishing (which is linked to from the Mirador website here:
Belvedere Publishing Website:
We are a traditionally based publisher with old fashioned values and principles. This means we do not charge the author for our services.
Actually a traditionally based publisher with old fashioned values and principles
pays authors for their work.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
If your work is accepted we will publish it and ensure it is marketed and made available worldwide.
So basically they're taking worldwide rights. Given that I have never seen a Belvedere publishing book in my local bookstore, I can't see how they'd be able to get anything into shops worldwide.
But then there is that weasel word "available", which presumably means "available to order from" rather than "available in".
Belvedere Publishing Website:
We will occasionally work with authors when we feel a work has promise but needs some fine tuning but we will not undertake major editing.
But I thought that you were "a traditionally based publisher with old fashioned values and principles"? Those publishers usually engage in major editing.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
We are actively looking for novels of between 65,000 and 150,000 words in the following genres:
Science Fiction
Historical Fiction
Literary Fiction
The fact that they're looking to take such a broad range of genres is not a good sign. Publishers do better focusing on one specific genre and building up their reputation on it by focusing their marketing and promotion and distribution accordingly.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Please allow four weeks for a response although in most instances our turnaround is much faster.
A suggested turn around time is a personal squick of mine. Slush piles can be huge things so giving a suggested response time usually means they're unprepared for the submissions.
Particularly revolting is the fact that Belvedere Publishing has a page where they reproduce reviews here:
You can see two reviews reproduced - one from The Book Reviewer and one from the Book of the Month Club. Interestingly, the websites for both The Book Reviewer and The Book of the Month Club are linked to from the Mirador website here:
Both review sites review the same book Sarah Luddington's The Prophecy. Even more interesting is that both sites identify the book as having been published through Mirador rather than Belvedere (although Mirador don't mention it on their website at all and Belvedere have it on their front page as coming soon).
Both review sites also have the exact same statement on their front pages:
Book of the Month Club Website:
Each month we select the greatest novel to be published. Many novels are missed by publishers and literary agents so we also search for those that have been missed by the traditional publishing industry. Last month we brought you The Return of the Hippy this month it is our great pleasure to bring you a blockbuster novel, The Prophecy, by a startling new author Sarah Luddington. A novel of horror, romance, sex and violence. What more could you want? A true paranormal romance. The book is published by
Mirador Publishing who seem to be one of the few publishers taking on new writers at the moment. They are happy to take submissions of all genres including Sci-fi supernatural, adult content, romance, fantasy as well as the usual poetry, thrillers and adventure. So all you young writers who are out there looking for a publishing contract, give these guys a go. You just might be the next Dan Brown or J K Rowling.
The Book Reviewer Website:
Each month we select the greatest novel to be published. Many novels are missed by publishers and literary agents so we also search for those that have been missed by the traditional publishing industry. Last month we brought you The Return of the Hippy this month it is our great pleasure to bring you a blockbuster novel, The Prophecy, by a startling new author Sarah Luddington. A novel of horror, romance, sex and violence. What more could you want? A true paranormal romance. The book is published by
Mirador Publishing who seem to be one of the few publishers taking on new writers at the moment. They are happy to take submissions of all genres including Sci-fi supernatural, adult content, romance, fantasy as well as the usual poetry, thrillers and adventure. So all you young writers who are out there looking for a publishing contract, give these guys a go. You just might be the next Dan Brown or J K Rowling.
Given this, I'd suggest it's not beyond the realms of probability to assume:
1. that Book of the Month Club and The Book Reviewer are owned and run by if not the same people who own/run Mirador and Belvedere Publishing, then people connected to them;
2. Book of the Month Club and The Book Reviewer are touted as being some way for authors to promote their book (and I'd be interested to know if any payment is required for those reviews).
Interestingly, the single contact name given on the Belvedere and Mirador websites is "Sarah" and The Prophecy just happens to be written by a Sarah. I'd therefore question whether Sarah Luddington has anything to do with either company. Given the fact that both Mirador Publishing and Belvedere publishing contain links to Sarah's personal webpage Dark Fiction (see and I suspect that she is involved with both companies.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Do you charge the author for publishing their work?
No! We pay you! We use the traditional system of paying an author royalties based on the sales of their book.
Actually the traditional system of paying an author is to pay them an advance first.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Do you edit my work?
No, we expect the writer to ensure their work is up to publication standard.
No, actually it's the publisher's job to make sure that a manuscript is up to a publishable standard before publishing it.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Where do you place my novel?
Your work will be listed on Gardners and Ingrams so that it is available in bookshops worldwide. We will also make it available on Amazon and well as our own storefront.
So they won't actually be in stores then.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Do you pay advances?
No, we prefer to pay higher royalties on sales. You will discover we pay some of the highest royalties in the industry! We believe this encourages the author to be pro-active in marketing their work.
Oh, I don't doubt that you prefer to just pay royalties. Afterall, paying an advance means that you've actually made an upfront financial investment in the book, rather than rely on the author to get out there and make sales/buy copies so that you can pick up 75% of the price.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Do you supply me with any copies of my book?
As the author, we would expect you to hold sufficient copies of your book for use at signings or other publicity initiatives you may undertake We will help guide you with marketing ideas and how to publicise your book locally. You would purchase personal copies from us at RRP less your royalty level.
Note how they don't actually answer the question they asked.
The translation of this seems to be "we expect you to buy copies of your book so that you can sell it".
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Can you help with artwork for the cover?
We will usually provide you with some royalty free images from which to select a cover, however if you wish a more bespoke cover then some artwork charges may apply.
So basically, you get a clipart cover. If you want something else, you have to pay for it.
I really hope that no one paid for the covers displayed on the Belvedere front page because they are revolting.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Do You Help With Marketing?
Of course! As one of our authors, you will have access to our Author’s Services Website where you will find a variety of tools to aid you in the marketing and promotion of your book. Everything from ‘How To’ guides through to a Full Internet Awareness Module designed to publicise your book across all the major search engines.
Yes, they help with marketing by giving you a load of most likely useless information so that you can go out and do your own marketing.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Literary agents are becoming more difficult to approach. One may forgiven for thinking that agents are only interested in Dan Brown or J K Rowling, always searching for the next Harry Potter or Da Vinci Code. To some extent this may be true. Literary agents generally have a huge slush pile to wade through, why should your novel be of interest to them? For every author that manages to secure an agent there are five hundred who do not.
Yes, it is difficult to secure an agent. However it is possible. Agents need new clients because existing ones will not necessarily produce manuscripts year after year.
The reason why so many writers do not get taken up by an agent is because their work either is not good enough or the agent does not think that they can sell it.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Even when an agent agrees to represent you and your novel the battle is still only half-way there. Between you, you still need to convince a publisher to publish your novel.
True. My agent however is already in talks with editors about my book so that they know to expect it when it's ready. I've got 11 publishers in the UK lined up to read it. If it sells, great. If not, then my agent and I will work on the next book.
Belvedere Publishing Website:
Once your novel is published you still have much work to do with publicising your novel and ensuring you attend book signings and readings to maximise sales of your book.
Sales are not just dependent on what the author does. The publisher nees to get books into stores so that they can be sold.