Obviously, a free review by a well-known critic who could deliver a huge increase in sales is more desirable. Seems to me if you pay for a review, it's not much better than if I had my book published by a vanity press. I went indie because agents all rejected me, most on the basis of the query letter alone. I'm not going to revisit how my Q may not have been written in a way that interested them. That boat sailed a long time ago. I just really had a very hard time boiling a 300+ page novel into a 250 word letter. I sold about a hundred copies of my novel on Kindle, Smashwords and Create Space over the last year and a half. And I've had 19 reviews on Amazon averaging 4.2 stars. Not bad, but as I said before, my sales have dropped to zero. I'm still thinking this book has a lot more left in it. If only I could get publicity for it. Where do I get that on a budget of $0?