Thanks CaoPaux and Joel for the support. (I love that little smiley CaoPaux). On 3rd April, 2006, Dr. Greenberg and Amy Webb both responded:
(Email addresses, telephone numbers and private bank details edited out).
Subject: RE: Re: Fwd: URGENT!!! Payment - STILL NOT PAID
Date:Mon, 3 Apr 2006 10:11:59 -0400
From: "Greenberg,Mark" <>
To: "Antony Peyton" <>
CC: "Webb,Amy"
Mr Peyton,
We take our obligations very seriously. Drexel is a large institution, and check requests go through many offices. Sometimes there are delays over which we have no control. I have asked that your money be wired today or tomorrow. Having asked does not necessarily make it happen that instant, though that is my intention. You should have your money at the latest by the end of this week.
Mark Greenberg
Dean, Pennoni Honors College
Honors Center - 5016 MacAlister Hall
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 13:10:52 -0400
Subject: Re: URGENT!!! Payment - STILL NOT PAID
From: "Amy Webb" <>
To: "Antony Peyton" <>, "Greenberg,Mark" <>
Our records indicate that a wire transfer was made on March 27th to your account. The transfer went through successfully to the Bank of xxx,Routing Number xxx, Account Number xxx. Please check again with your bank, as on our end the amount has cleared.
Thank you.Amy
Dr. Greenberg's email was first and says the money will be wired soon. Amy Webb's email was later and says the money should already be in my account. I will check when it's convenient to me.
Dr. Greenberg states: We take our obligations very seriously.
So, that's why I've been waiting for payment since October 2005.