Between the fact that all books they have are indeed by their founder, the fact that two out of four staff members have their bio "coming soon", the fact that the founder/publisher/sole author additionally uses the same website to do freelance book cover design, that I don't see any publishing-specific experience (other than making book covers and essentially self-publishing the founder's books, at least) and that their submissions page includes
Additionally, if you have a manuscript that isn’t quite finished but you have a good sample and strong synopsis, we’d love to hear from you!
Yeah...not a great look. For what it's worth, I do believe intentions are good and see no reason to assume this is a scam--but scams are far from the only danger out in publishing land, and small publishing ventures started up by authors
very frequently end in tears--and with no track record, essentially no social media following and little to no relevant experience, there both is pretty little to prove they can do anything for you at this point that you can't do yourself
and very little to prove they won't meet the same fate a lot of rather similar ventures have met through the years.
And sure, maybe they'll prove to be the exception and do make it. Until they've been around a while and
proven they are, I'd strongly recommend holding off on submitting to them (though, I note, submissions are currently closed anyway).