Luna Moth Website:
At Luna Moth Publishing, our aim is to encourage aspiring authors and promote promising books that major publishers often ignore.
Red flag. Major publishers do not ignore "aspiring authors" - debut novelists are published all the time.
Luna Moth Website:
We realise the effort that is put into a finished manuscript and therefore believe that the author deserves the best services available. We offer professional production, quality printing, marketing and distribution services.
These aren't "services". These are all things that a commercial publisher should be doing as a matter of course at the same time as paying an author an advance for their work.
Describing them as "services" suggests that you are looking to sell something to authors, not the public.
Luna Moth Website:
Although our company is still recent, our partners have been working in the world of publishing for many years.
Leaving aside the grammar fail, there's nothing on the website setting out what this publishing experience is.
Luna Moth Website:
Our commissioning panel chooses the manuscripts not only for their quality but also for their commercial potential.
That's what they should be doing anyway, so I don't know why they need to set it out specifically. Of course, it's not clear what's meant by "commercial potential" - could mean selling to the public, could equally mean selling to the author.
Luna Moth Website:
Indeed, you will be able to get in touch with our employees and partners, at each stage of the evolution of your book: conception, realisation, promotion, distribution.
Curious to know what they mean by "partners". Ideally this should all be done in-house (with the exception of printing, which usually goes to a printer).
Luna Moth Website:
You will benefit from an irreproachable professional production:
It's a shame that doesn't extend to the website, which is littered with typos and grammatical errors.
Luna Moth Website:
Suite 404 Albany House - 324-326 Regent Street - London W1B 3HH - Tel. +44 (0) 203 086 7156
This professional company is in crowded premises given that it shares Suite 404 with
all of these companies.
I submitted a partial a week to two weeks ago, and they asked for more.
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