I love reading everyones opinions. I have a question for some of you. Have any of you worked for a publishing company? The reason I ask this question is because of the misunderstanding that you have about the publishing industry.
Light Sword Publishing or for that matter all small or new press must go through steps with the book chains headquarters to get the books into stores. Right now Light Sword is going through those steps.
Authors cannot sit at home and expect a publicist or marketing personnel to get any number of books sold. Authors have to take steps to make their name known.
You need to help market your book. Why do you think there are so many books on marketing . They have their books with Ingrams and Baker & Taylor. Did you know that the books have to sell a certain amount before the appear on a large bookstore chain's bookshelf? I bet you didn't. You probably thought that a CEO of a publishing company simply sent a catalog to a book chain and send promotional items to a store and they magically put the books on the shelf.
Not possible with as many books that are in print today. You do not even see a quarter of Random House, Simon and Schuster, and many other publishing companies books in stores. Why because they did not sell enough to be noticed or considered to be put on the shelves. Some publishing companies put books as e-books first to see how many sell before they even print a book. Only if your name is as popular as Stephen King or Dean Koontz will your book automatically hit a book chains book shelf. You have to start on the bottom and your marketing team and your publisher will do everything they can to get you on the shelf.
Light Sword Authors receive bookmarks, copies of their books, posters, and other promotional items to help them market their book. Also their marketing team sets them up with book-signings, festivals, and other events. They contact magazines, newspapers, and talk radio. To help market their authors. So that they can sale the number they need to get them on the shelves of major book chains.
Again, I have talked to their marketing department and have asked them several questions. I asked because I work in marking authors books and I was looking for a job. I was tired of doing contract work. They are doing what normal SMALL press do. They are working within their means. The misconception that all an author does is write is sadly mistaken. That is what time management is for. If you believe that you need to research the industry a lot more. Most authors market their own books.
That is my two cents on the subject and I have been working with the writing world for many years.