Grand Science Fiction is a web periodical which is associated with Yurei Press (based on information from the Yurei Press website). They accepted a story of mine earlier this year. The story was published on June 23rd with payment due within 30 days. The payment was not received within that timeframe. I sent a followup note a week ago today, requesting either that payment be made or, if there was a reason why a delay would be necessary, that I be made aware of that reason and given a timeframe within which to expect payment. I received no reply to my email.
Additionally, I never received a counter-signed contract despite repeated requests for same. My most recent emails on that topic had gone unresponded-to as well. My understanding is that I am not alone in having past-due monies owed to me for a story published on this site.
Grand Science Fiction is currently closed to submissions as, apparently, are all Yurei Press anthologies. If they re-open, people may want to take my experience into consideration before submitting there.
I will come here to update this information when I receive payment for my story.
Additionally, I never received a counter-signed contract despite repeated requests for same. My most recent emails on that topic had gone unresponded-to as well. My understanding is that I am not alone in having past-due monies owed to me for a story published on this site.
Grand Science Fiction is currently closed to submissions as, apparently, are all Yurei Press anthologies. If they re-open, people may want to take my experience into consideration before submitting there.
I will come here to update this information when I receive payment for my story.