Florida Attorney General Files Suit Against Robert Fletcher/Writers' Literary Agency

The Idiot...?

Troll, stomp away!
Sep 10, 2009
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ahahahahahahahahahahaha......omg. ok. I'm just playing devils advocate. i HAVE worked for his company before and I think that unless you know what your talking about, which it seems all of you do not, then you shouldnt be talking. how many books have YOU sold? I guarantee I have sold more of MY books with Mr. Bobby than you ever have with ANY publisher. Since we know that my grammar is not always acurate, and I obviously have not been an editor, lets forget the spelling errors. forget about that. I apologize If i have offended anyone by pointing out spelling errors, because as you can tell, I have a lot of my own spelling errors.

Lets just go on facts and not spelling. I will share what I know to be facts about this comapny and you are welcome to share what you think to be true. I am not here to make enemies or be rude or anything, and again, I apologize. I am here for an honest discussion on what YOU think to be true about Robert and his work, and what I beleive to be true.

Again, please do not take any of this to heart, I just want to discuss. No hard feelings. As I said, I USED to work for Bobby, so I have an open mind....Kind of. LOL. Please share your thoughts and I will share mine.

James D. Macdonald

Your Genial Uncle
Absolute Sage
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Feb 11, 2005
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New Hampshire
ahahahahahahahahahahaha......omg.[sic] ok. [sic] I'm just playing devils advocate.

Okay, cool. I get a Bingo.

And add the term "devil's advocate" to the terms you don't understand.

i [sic] HAVE worked for his company before and I think that unless you know what your [sic] talking about, which it seems all of you do not, then you shouldnt [sic] be talking.

Have you really? What was your job with them? Some answers, please. As to who doesn't know what they're talking about, hands down it's you.

how [sic] many books have YOU sold?

Hundreds of thousands. World-wide. For decades.

I guarantee I have sold more of MY books with Mr. Bobby than you ever have with ANY publisher.

You "guarantee"? Really? What's the title of your book?

Since we know that my grammar is not always acurate, [sic] and I obviously have not been an editor, lets [sic] forget the spelling errors.

Let's not. You were the one who started off by criticizing the spelling and grammar of others. You're the one who made a big point of how some of Fletcher's victims are "illiterate." So no, you don't get to slide on that. How do I know you weren't one of Bobby's "editors"? Your grammar skills are about on a par with theirs.

Now would be a great time to apologize to those authors you cheated, and those authors you insulted.
forget about that.

Not 'til I hear that apology to Fletcher's victims.

I apologize If i [sic] have offended anyone by pointing out spelling errors, because as you can tell, I have a lot of my own spelling errors.

You didn't "offend" me, chump. But you did point up the quality of people Bobby hires.

Lets just go on facts and not spelling.

Facts. Yes. How many people did you personally defraud?

I will share what I know to be facts about this comapny and you are welcome to share what you think to be true.

You already tried to share those "facts" with that page of testimonials. I've been sharing what I know to be true for years. "Basically, Fletcher and LAG were running a fraud by charging fees for all services while falsely giving hope to the authors that Fletcher and LAG would find a publisher for their book."

I am not here to make enemies or be rude or anything, and again, I apologize.

The best way to apologize would be for you to turn State's Evidence. And a personal apology to all those authors you called "illiterate" above would be nice.

I am here for an honest discussion on what YOU think to be true about Robert and his work, and what I beleive [sic] to be true.

How about what I know to be true, and what you're trying to tap-dance around?

But I'll let you go first: When did you first realize that Bouncing Bobby was running a scam?

Again, please do not take any of this to heart, I just want to discuss. No hard feelings. As I said, I USED to work for Bobby, so I have an open mind....Kind of. LOL. Please share your thoughts and I will share mine.

I've shared my thoughts, chump. You might want to go back through some of the older threads to see 'em.

So, tell us what you know. Don't try to bullshit me, because I'll call you on it.

No hard feelings.

Momento Mori

Tired and Disillusioned
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Sep 25, 2006
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Here and there
The Idiot...?
Some books are so awful but the author whole-heartedly believes their material will sell, and they have no idea about anything to do with writing.


The Idiot...?
I guarantee I have sold more of MY books with Mr. Bobby than you ever have with ANY publisher.

So, not only do you work for Fletcher, you've also had books published through AEG. Given your admission that spelling and grammar aren't always accurate, does this mean that your books fall into the awful category?

The Idiot...?
I will share what I know to be facts about this comapny and you are welcome to share what you think to be true.

Jim's already set out a number of questions to you that you have yet to reply to. Start there.


The Idiot...?

Troll, stomp away!
Sep 10, 2009
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------------- Start Quote -------------

Recently our company(s) acquired a book from the foreman of the grand jury that handled Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick trial. The book is titled Left to Die - Chappaquiddick Grand Jury Foreman Reveals Explosive, Never-Before-Told Information. We quickly and carefully hustled this book through production. With the media surrounding Senator Kennedy's death, we are going to sell a lot of books with our author. This is a great example of our business model.

We believe we may have the largest database of ready and semi-ready books and authors in the world. We employ 125 very talented people, and we can move an author from their query letter to a finished book for sale on book shelves faster than almost any publisher. Our business model is to find as many of the best authors as we can, help them prepare for publication, help them get published, or publish them ourselves. We believe that we're the new model for the publishing industry and that our presentation to new publishing and agency clients is very straightforward. Details about how we present our business can always be found at www.StrategicBookPublishing.com and www.WLWritersAgency.com .

We believe the Florida Attorney General lawsuit is being manipulated by outside influences who may have provided misleading information to the AG and to our clients. We plan to look for evidence of collusion between Victoria Strauss, Ann Crispin, James MacDonald, and Dave Kuzminski who recently lost a defamation lawsuit. ((http://www.writersnewsweekly.com/kuzminski.html)). We were not able to follow through on a prior lawsuit against these people because of financial reasons. We will not make that mistake again. Once we have reached successful resolution with the Attorney General, it is our intention to file lawsuits against our detractors.

Furthermore, we are assisting the Attorney General in resolving this current matter as rapidly as possible and we look forward to reaching a mutually agreeable settlement. The Attorney General has 175 complaints from four years of our business. During these same four years, we assisted 30,000 authors. If you will visualize each complaint or author as equal to one piece of paper, that is a half a ream of paper compared to sixty reams. That's about one inch of paper opposed to a ten-foot stack of paper.

Frankly, our complaint rate is less than 1 percent. If small businesses and publishers in the US can be the subject of a lawsuit for a complaint rate of less than 1% then we are very worried for our industry. We have thousands of published clients, and we have thousands of clients with their work in progress. Maintaining our services to our clients will continue to be our focus as we move forward to a successful conclusion of this matter. We plan to maintain our position and answer questions on our Web site, www.StrategicBookGroup.com. Please stay tuned and visit the site often. We are excited about bringing our story to the industry. It is time to set the record straight.

To Request further information or an interview please email [email protected] .

----- end quote --------------------
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Richard White

Stealthy Plot Bunny Peddler
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Mar 27, 2005
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Central Maryland
Hey, Bobby. It was nice meeting you at BEA. It's going to be very satisfying to put your business under once and for all.

<busy sharpening the stake to drive through the vampire business's heart once and for all.>

The Idiot...?

Troll, stomp away!
Sep 10, 2009
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Now we are resorting to name calling? Wow. I am just posting facts.


Super Member
Feb 18, 2005
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I am just posting facts.

Then perhaps you should look up the definition of what a fact is and proceed when ready. Thanks!

Lol, If you think this is Robert, you are sadly mistaken, my friend.
I received this in my email inbox this morning from someone from AEG/SBG.

It's good to know that you and Bobby are tight and that you can edit a post. Now can you go back a few and address the parts where you said that you've sold more copies of books with SPB/EB than anyone on here? Seriously, James stepped to the plate and called you out. Either stay on topic and be accountable for your ridiculous statements or stop posting.

In case you’ve already forgotten, here’s a refresher…

You said…

how many books have YOU sold? I guarantee I have sold more of MY books with Mr. Bobby than you ever have with ANY publisher.

Then your bluff was called…

You "guarantee"? Really? What's the title of your book?

So we’re waiting for the answer. How many books have you sold? Throw out a title at least. Come on, give us some of those "facts!"

The Idiot...?

Troll, stomp away!
Sep 10, 2009
Reaction score
I would much rather stay an anonymous poster, thanks. I do not, in any way, need to give you "proof" that I have sold more books, or what my "real" name is.

Let's leave that at that. And the only way that I edited that was by putting the quote and end quote parts. That is it.


Super Member
Feb 18, 2005
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I would much rather stay an anonymous poster, thanks. I do not, in any way, need to give you "proof" that I have sold more books, or what my "real" name is.

Fair enough. The don't make claims you're not prepared to back up, please and thank you.

You can still remain anonymous and provide us with a figure for the total amount of AEG/SBP/EB book or novels that have sold worldwide. If you've outsold anyone and everyone in here, your figures would be included in that overall figure.

I'd be willing to bet that I could find at least a few authors on here who individually have sold more book/novel (There's a difference, fyi!) copies than AEG/SBP/EB has sold through all it's authors combined.

So provide a little credible information. Seriously.

M.R.J. Le Blanc

aka Sadistic Mistress Mi-chan
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Nov 26, 2008
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At the computer
If you're not willing to stand behind your claims, then don't make them. Classic I-can't-prove-what-I-say tactics. Because the difference between you and someone like Victoria or James is that they stand behind their words and they can prove what they say.

And for what it's worth, a publisher who thinks being able to pump out lots of authors really fast is a good thing is no better than PA. Fast turnarounds = low quality product.


Absolutely Fazed
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Feb 18, 2005
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Fort Worth, Texas
I do not, in any way, need to give you "proof" that I have sold more books, or what my "real" name is.

That makes your claim less than useless then. Why should we believe you? (Hint: "Because I said so" isn't actually an effective debate tactic). You've already shown an astounding level of ignorance about the commercial publishing industry and an inability to do basic Google research. (Seriously? If A.C. Crispin is published? If?)

And when pressed on your claims, you fall back on basic scammer bingo responses. I was surprised to find "I have more important things to do than hang out on the Internet like you losers" on the first page. Impressive. Have you done the "sour grapes" one yet? Should we count the "illiterate authors who couldn't sell their books" as that one? If so, that's two bingo responses before ever leaving the first page. We'll have a full bingo card out of you before page 3 at this rate.


Grumpy writer and editor
Absolute Sage
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Feb 12, 2006
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Getting blitzed at Gillhoughly's Reef, Haleakaloha
Originally Posted by The Idiot...? how many books have YOU sold?

I've got 23 separate titles sold to Penguin, Random House, St. Martin's, DAW, and Baen Books for a start. You may have heard of them, but I'm not holding my breath.

That doesn't count the German, French, Polish, Italian, and Romanian publishers.

They did all the marketing, paid me real money, and sell my books worldwide.

When I have the time, I edit for one of US publishers.

That is NOTHING compared to the sales of the other writers here, who are considerably more prolific than I am.

Might as well give up.

You didn't just bring a knife to a gun fight, you walked butt naked into a combat zone full of Marines who are laughing at your equipment.

You're being played. Jim's already chewed you up and spit you to the gutter. You just haven't figured it out yet.



The Idiot...?

Troll, stomp away!
Sep 10, 2009
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I am not asking you to beleive what I say. Again, I do not spread lies around the internet... unlike 99% of you. I am not asking you to beleive these facts because I already know what the truth is, and what is not. If you choose to fight the truth, that is up to you. I absolutely LOVED how everyone jumped on the bandwagon to take a swing at me, like you have done with Robert.

I came to this blog to post the truth and only the truth. I will say that this is my final post. I do not have time to argue back and forth anymore. I do not spend my whole life inside, on the internet all day, trying to spread lies. I live my life. I climb mountains, go swimming in the arctic, paraglide, and see the world. I do not have anymore time for you liars and "know-it-alls".

I have posted the facts and if you do not like what is true, then too bad for you.

I cannot WAIT to see Robert take James Macdonald, A. C. Crsipin, and especially Victoria Strauss to court and win. That will be a good day. :)

Farewell (since you are all doing it...I will now call you names as well) you self absorbed idiots. Go write lies about yourself. Wait... You already do.


Rewriting My Destiny
Super Member
Nov 15, 2008
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Brillig in the slithy toves...
Is anyone sure that today's flouncer is the same as yesterday's flouncer?

Yesterday it was "Mr.Bobby", today it's "Robert".

James D. Macdonald

Your Genial Uncle
Absolute Sage
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Feb 11, 2005
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New Hampshire
I'd be willing to bet that I could find at least a few authors on here who individually have sold more book/novel (There's a difference, fyi!) copies than AEG/SBP/EB has sold through all it's authors combined.

In a quote at PW, Bouncing Bobby said he sold a total of 50,000 copies through his vanity presses.

According to Fletcher, his company has published more than 1,000 authors and sold 50,000 books, acting as a “blend of a traditional publisher and AuthorSolutions” wherein some manuscripts are published following a traditional model and others are published through a joint-venture subsidy program. He charges a flat rate of $895, and writers are told the cost up front.

I personally have sold more copies of individual titles than Bobby has sold of all his titles by all his authors combined.

If assclown's books are included in that total (assuming he's actually written a book, that is), then...well, he loses again.


Super Member
Feb 18, 2005
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Glad you're done posting, your village called...
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Away from Home
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Feb 12, 2005
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[I am so enjoying my voyeurism here...]


They will come from below...
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May 16, 2007
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*offers Maryn some :popcorn:*