FAQ: Why Can't I Read or Post To Share Your Work (SYW)

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AW Admin

Super Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Why Can't I Read Share Your Work?

Why Can't I Post In SYW?

  1. You have to be logged in to Absolute Write and have entered the password for SYW.
  2. You have to have 50 posts on AW before you can create a new thread in SYW. You can read all about it here.
  3. You can reach fifty posts by doing crits for others, welcoming new members in the Newbie forum, and generally being an active participant on AW.
  4. Once you reach 50 posts, it takes about an hour for the server to catch up. See the second half of this FAQ.
  5. You should spend some time while you wait, reading the SYW Stickies, and reading other crits, to learn how to crit on AW.
  6. And it never hurts to read the Newbie 's Guide, like right now, because if you're asking this question, you've already blown off the Welcome To AW PM you got, and you probably haven't read the Newbie's Guide, either.

I Have 50 Posts—Why Can't I Post In SYW?

1. The script that grants you access only runs about once an hour.

2. Give the script time to run. That means, wait at least an hour before deciding that the universe is agin you.

3. While you wait, it's a good idea to:

  1. Log off of AbsoluteWrite, after first making sure that you know your password and log on ID.
  2. Clear your Browser's cache.
  3. Delete AbsoluteWrite Cookies.
  4. Quit your browser.
    Yes, I mean completely shut down your browser, because otherwise there's not a lot of point in the previous three steps.
  5. Comb your hair and wash your face; you want to make a good impression, right?
  6. Log back on to Absolute Write.
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