FAQ: Supporting This Community

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Away from Home
Staff member
Super Moderator
Kind Benefactor
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
How can a site this big be free?

Absolute Write is free to members.

But that’s because someone else is paying the costs of its server, hosting, bandwidth, software licensing, malware protection, and more—all without displaying ads that would bring in additional revenue. If these expenses aren’t offset by members’ voluntary donations, the site might have to close.

Of all our members who logged in within the last year, only a very small percentage donated anything at all. Absolute Write is a community of writers who support one another. Why not support the community, too?

We are aware that some of our members literally cannot afford to give anything, and we continue to welcome them. They remain a part of our community.

Many more members can give only a small amount. If the site is helpful or you feel a part of the community of writers, there is no donation amount that’s too small. If everyone who could only afford to give a little did that, it would add up to a large amount. For real, can you donate ten dollars once a month? Five? Two?

Those members who are financially able to give more are encouraged to do so. It’s through all our members’ generosity that we are able to keep the site running and upgrade as necessary. (Members who have been here for a long time may remember ads on every page—often reflecting what was on that page.)

Members can subscribe, setting up a monthly payment in any amount, and such subscriptions can be canceled at any time.

You can donate in the name of another member. Just note it with your donation. It’s a great way to thank a beta reader, the person whose insightful critique improved your writing, the kind member who was so supportive when you were going through a difficult time, or to note the efforts of anyone who’s helped the site as a whole.

This is the link for donation: Support Absolute Write. You can use a debit or credit card. When you donate, please share your user name so we can add Kind Benefactor to your user title. If you would prefer anonymity, please say so and no further title will be added.

If you would prefer to mail a check, it’s:

Absolute Write
8911 Vernon Road
PMB 165
Lake Stevens WA 98258

Again, note your user name so MacAllister knows who to identify as a Kind Benefactor.

I just can't donate. Sorry.

We're sorry, too, and wish you better financial status in the near future. But in the meantime, there are other ways you can contribute to the site. Get involved. Give critique. Offer to beta read--and follow through. Answer questions. Discuss books, technique, genre, etc. Report objectionable posts. Help your fellow writer brainstorm. Congratulate someone with a new book out. Talk cover art. Commiserate on yet another rejection. Offer your genuine concern to people struggling to conquer challenges. These are all of great value to the site.
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