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    before you post.

Decisions, Decisions...


May 23, 2024
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So, I am trying to write my first novel that I keep putting off and coming back to. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to fit things together right.

Part of the problem, I suspect, is that I'm writing in a genre I'm unfamiliar with, but I really like the idea. Most of my projects are sci fi or fantasy, but this one is more of a thriller with a dash of speculative fiction mixed in.

I'm also juggling competing ideas about the characters and their dynamics. The story starts with the discovery of a dead body. The explanation was that it was manslaughter, as the killer never intended to harm anyone, but lost control of his powers, but I am wondering if it would be better if actually was a murder motivated by revenge. The idea is that the killer was subjected to unethical human experiments, and the victim was one of the scientists who experimented on him.

I'm also not very good at making clues for the reader without making it too obvious.

I fear I might be overthinking my rough draft.

I'm wondering if I should put this project on the backburner for now and work on something easier until I finally piece it together. The only issue with this is that I'm ADHD and bad about not finishing my projects, and part of the reason for me sticking with this project for so long is to try to prove that I can do it.

Any advice on what to do and how to overcome this writer's block?


All I Ever Wanted Was The World
Super Member
Apr 19, 2012
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In stories only hearts can tell
I fear I might be overthinking my rough draft.

I was going to say exactly this. You're overthinking it.

Take everything you're not sure how to do, that you don't think you can do it justice, that you're scared you might be doing wrong, and anything else you might be struggling with (any and all negative thoughts that you may have about your ability as a writer), and shove them all to your editing/revising future self. Give those burdens to your future self. 2dn draft you knows what to do and how to do it, because that's their job; to fix it, whatever it is.

So let 2nd draft you carry the weight for you, since it truly, really isn't yours to carry. It's theirs. Yours is to make sure they have something to fix when the time comes.

I'm wondering if I should put this project on the backburner for now and work on something easier until I finally piece it together.

Starting with something easier sounds like a good plan, but not necessarily as in; change manuscripts altogether.

You could try to start by writing the scenes or the parts of your book that come easier for you (even if it's non-linear, you can write something from the middle and then from the beginning, and then from the ending, etc.). Scenes that you have a good grasp on, that you can easily visualize or that you really, really like. Things like that. Start with something low-pressure. Something easy. Something small. Something fun.

And don't feel obligated to keep it up or stick to a schedule or a deadline or a routine or anything else if it´s too taxing on you. Set a goal to just do your best whenever you can, and don't beat yourself up if you can't make it one day, or two days, or three days. Go easy on yourself. Slow progress is better than no progress. And by keeping it casual and fun, you'll reinforce the habit little by little without overwhelming yourself.

The only issue with this is that I'm ADHD and bad about not finishing my projects, and part of the reason for me sticking with this project for so long is to try to prove that I can do it.

You can do it. Just make sure you don't turn it into a chore and suck the fun out of it.

And if, eventually, after trying the casual, fun approach, you still can't wrap your head around your story, then give yourself permission to move on to something else more motivating or easier to write at this point in time. Sometimes, we just need to step away from certain projects until we're ready for them, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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