The fee is supposedly to cover photocopying and postage. The contract is for just four months, so the author would have to re-up with a new $250 every quarter.
Writer Beware has collected a lot of documentation on this agency, which has been in business since 1998 or 1999 and as far as we're aware has never made a sale. We've seen some of its submissions lists, which frequently include publishers that are totally inappropriate for the subject/genre of the manuscript. On the other hand, there's no evidence that it ever actually submits anything, so it hardly matters.
The owner of the agency also owns a vanity publisher, Trident Media a.k.a. Washington House/Mandrill, which charges clients around $3,000 for editing services and employs a standard POD publishing model (minimal selectivity, no marketing or distribution apart from Amazon, etc.). Clients of the agency receive solicitations from the publisher, without acknowledgment of the connection. I recently heard from a writer who successfully took the publisher to small claims court for non-performance.
- Victoria