From their FAQ
As Carina Press is a division of Harlequin Enterprises Ltd, how is it different?
At the very basic level, Harlequin is a traditional print publisher with a robust digital-offering, while Carina Press is a digital-only publisher.
Both the contract and distribution channels are very different:
The Carina Press contract
does not include an advance or DRM, and authors are compensated with a higher royalty.
Unlike Harlequin there is
no guaranteed series distribution (no standing order, no direct mail, no overseas translation markets).
Carina Press titles will be
sold direct to consumers through the Carina Press website, and we’ll be securing 3rd party distribution on other websites.
(emphasis added)
Carina Press FAQ #1
So, let's see, yes it is backed by Harlequin, there are no advances, no guarantees of distribution and you can only buy them at their web site.
That's not a big change from other e-publishers that I can see.