Hi KitCat and dpaterso,
I hope it will be alright I reply you both in same reply
I was just looking around this site, getting familiar with things, it is quite overwhelming here
I can't even figure out whether zanzjan replied my as a private message and now it is all out here. I was reading the " The Newbie Guide To Absolute Write", I've read it twice and it is btw very useful for newcomers - thank you for that.
And then somehow I ended up reading here "Forum: AW's IRC Chat
Guidelines, scheduled events, suggestions, and feedback regarding the AW IRC chat room"
I read some threads there, apparently it seems like some members have problems entering the chat. After that I pressed this "AW's IRC Chat" which is posted as a link above, and all that happened as I described above.
I guess, I just keep looking around the site and get to know how things works here, it is not much of much importance about the chat, I was just curious
I didn't really use any URL, I just pressed the link as I saw in the threads.
Thank you to the both of you, so much.