I got that from your previous posts, but very much appreciate the cheering. This here red-headed demon child is proud to be a member of the "Cease & Desist" club.
I also heard from a writer friend (her day job requires that she knows about this sort of stuff) that unless Bauer pays out to have the name of her agency trademarked that we can leave the warning posts up for as long as we like.
She also wanted YOUR home address, that of Miss Snark (as if I'd know that!) and Ann Crispin. Yeahhhh, riiiiiight.
Just to be fair, I did inform her that further attempts to contact me by any means will result in a restraining order against her for stalking. My non-e-vul twin is fully capable of going Ms. Hyde on anyone threatening her privacy.
I'm thinking *someone,* somewhere, is in cloud cuckoo land, curled in a fetal position, and muttering about a "Prrrrrecious."
This person seems rather fond of that Ph.D after her name. Maybe she worked real hard for it an' all, but down in my neck o' the woods it usually means "Piled high & Deep."
No offense ag'in those who also have them thar letters after their handle, but this one just chaps my hide. I've met this type before an' they wouldn't be happy if'n you hung 'em with a new rope.