But agents aren't above criticism. If they share an opinion, they need to expect that some may disagree
Honestly, no-one is above criticism. But not all
forms of criticism are warranted. And twitter-pile-ons being moved to other sites so that people can be outraged by decontextualised stuff that may or may not be real but, hey twitter is having a moment - is that really how we want to spend our time?
In any case, this is AW, and we have the one rule here - RYFW. Which has, traditionally, included agents and editors and other writing-adjacent people. Not that we have to agree with them - but we have to respect them. Not dogpile them because twitter said we could.
And there's the other rule - add light, not heat.
And the other other rule which says, just- don't be a dick.
I mean you can - of course you can. But maybe, don't. Don't be a dick.