What do you think?


A ring of keys

Resisting the natural non-physical laws of nature can be mentally an physically exhausting , swimming against the free flow of life, will always cause one to grow painfully anxious and dissatisfied about ones current position; in relation to what seems like a vast chasm between you and your intended destination.

Our emotions are accurate indicators into weather something is agreeable or opposing to the evolutionary process of higher self development. If we are receptive to the frequency of this inherent energy, that is, we have close bonded relationship, an infrangible partnership with the base force of our inner-being; we will procure an extraordinary crystal clear clarity, concerning the universal laws of existence.

It is very important that we work towards cultivating a healthy interest in wanting to understand why we feel a certain way, particularly when exposed to various external physical conditions. Our feelings continually transmit signals, which will either impress upon us a doleful, dispiriting discontent ion, or enraptured spirited sentiments of jubilance.

Therefore we must learn to differentiate the difference between a poor and good state of wellbeing. This is easily achieved by simply nurturing our will to cultivate a moment by moment conscious awareness, which in is primarily focused on any permutations of the mind. It is all about being here, now, in the moment and restraining the mind from taking excursions into the past, or projecting itself far into the future. Living in these two measurements of time will only hinder your quest to prepare and construct the environment conducive to your current aspirations.

If we are always preoccupied, struggling with phantom experiences from the past, or escaping from the present, by wandering regularly into fantasy pictures of you in the future. It could render you to miss a doorway of opportunity in the present, one in which, that may require focused attention, in order for you to fully utilise life’s offering to help you advance to the next stage in your growing progress.

We are a three fold being mind, body and soul these separate, yet co-dependant aspects of our inherent physical, and hidden nature are interlocked and interplay together for the prime purpose of creating and facilitating all life on this planet.

The mind is a generator that continually projects conceptions about how we can apply our physical form to manipulate every element of life for the furtherance of inducing more life. It is a growing living entity of energy that is ever expanding and therefore always moving beyond the capacity of its original creational designs. Once it has exhausted its energy and has reached the limits of its own design in one area it engenders a newer idea a derivative of the first and evolves through a continuum of cumulative experience.

The consciousness that which allows you to know yourself as an existing sentient being is always interpreting your experience through your sensory faculties into ideas about how you respond to the external world. For instant, if a stranger punched you on the nose whilst walking along a street, it would be registered as a bad experience and everything associated with it the location, the person who hit you, pain blood feelings and thoughts ex... These will serve as a poignant reminder. The next time you encounter anything that closely resembles what your conscious state has assigned to your long term memory it will invoke some resistance, which will manifest in the form of anxiety.

On the other hand when you have a congenial experience for example: you’re enjoying a day out in the country side with some friends, admiring the glorious panoramic wilderness: The flowing conversations all the natural movements of nature bird’s, flowers and gushing rock studded rivers. These images intricately woven together will create a tranquil ambient experience that will imbue your memory bank with external and internal memorable experiences.
Everything that we are exists in relation to something else without water, food, air and the right temperature we could not survive; something is always dependant on something else for its existence. We are interconnected beings who continually evolve out from what we know we are not, in the knowing of who we are not, we are able to clearly define that which we are. And the more we know about who we are the more we can become.

It is a circle of life, where everything that we have ascribed as being right or wrong good or bad, has an intricately important part to play, in establishing now what we call life. There are many things that are considered as being bad or detrimental to a fruitful existence, but in reality there is no such thing as good and bad.

Moreover, these are terms used to measure and categorize patterns of behaviour, showing polarities between that which is accepted and that which is not. Evidently their are patterns which do not facilitate the process of growth, and for our own benefit and also for our cherished ones, we have created concepts around this for the purpose of communicating, and therefore guiding others away from pursuing what we’ve interpreted to be a harmful experience.

What we must realize is that one mans poison is another mans life and one mans life is another mans poison. Just because something you experienced did not align with your higher state of being and caused you miserable discomfort doesn’t mean that you are right in imposing your judgements on someone who is choosing that same experience.

None of us are qualified in our understanding about where another is at in their soul journey and therefore have no idea about what they will choose, in relation to that experience. But on the other hand if you see someone who is physically destroying themselves with the choices they are making and those who are struggling to enjoy there lives, it would be good to intervene and offer help in a non-judgemental manner trough means of cultivating a relationship with that person.

If they are receptive to your friendship and all channels are open you can then share your experience using yourself to indirectly show why they have been struggling. Their choice must be completely their own without any manipulative interference. This could mean giving false inaccurate information that instils fear around making a choice, deliberately making the other person feel guilty for exercising their freedom while ignoring your instruction which makes you feel left out of the equation.

Each choice we make or have ever made has been formed from a reticulate assemblage of empirical sensory knowledge, which is objective reality interpreted into a form from which we can choose to perceive and react in relation to whatever manner we feel will facilitate the furtherance and eventual culmination of our desire.

Our desire is a mixture of active established thoughts and charged feelings about who we are now and what we are aiming to become. If we are always contending with thoughts that oppose advancing to the next stage in our creational conceptual design, then we will inevitably experience many inner growing uncomfortable dispositions. Uncertainty, doubt, persistent frustration, anxiety, fear, inadequacy and low levels of confidence and self-esteem are all feelings that can restrict our freedom to experiment with who we are.

Moreover, all these stem from incorrect perceptions about you. Uncertainty - thoughts about not knowing the outcome. Doubtful - thoughts about your ability to succeed, especially when you are faced with something that challenges you. Frustration- transpires form not seeing the result that you expected. Anxiety- constant negative focus conflicts with your aspirations and can prevent one from reaching his or her goals. Fear- causes one to commit excessive attention by fretting over the outcome. When we exercise these elements of our nature, we are effectively allocating power to the thought and feeling to promote and strengthen these energies.
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