Good Book By Ursula Le Guin

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Dunno if anybody has seen or mentioned this book before, but I've been enjoying (and using) Ursula Le Guin's Steering the Craft.

Each chapter is dedicated to different aspects of writing, and includes in-depth exercises that you can either do by yourself or in a group. A friend recommended it to me, and I'm passing it on.

She's got an interesting chapter on editing yourself for the overuse of adjectives and adverbs, which I think some of you might appreciate.

Another exercise (and this is me, describing it quite succinctly) has you describe a person who isn't present by describing a room they've occupied. (That description of the exercise doesn't really do it justice---she includes some interesting parameters which really make the exercise challenging.)

Anyway, thought some of you would be interested in checking it out.

NOTE: I accidently posted this first in the forum for Freelance Writing--I meant to post it here instead. Can somebody delete my thread over there??



I've never beeen big on writing exercises, I think writing fiction is the best exercise, but this is a very good book on writing. A good read, and well worth the money.
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