February Writer's Contest at A.U.


Aphrodite Unlaced

With her little buddy Cupid's yearly Valentine celebration approaching, lusty Aphrodite's excited to announce a new Writing Contest for the month of February. She's eager to hear your writer's voice at Aphrodite Unlaced, and you wouldn't want to keep that insatiable lady waiting.

What better theme for the month of hearts and flowers than Sexual Healing?
Everyone's been there, needed it, craved it. Put your fingers to your keyboard, and create a reader-pleasing tale of positive healing.

Previously published and new authors are welcome.

You're encouraged to interpret our February theme any way you please. We're open to all voices, styles and storylines from deeply touching to affectionately irreverent. Make it sizzle, make it sensual.

We are currently seeking contemporary, historical and paranormal erotica. Let your imagination flow, but keep the flowing between 3000-5000 words!

The usual single spaced lines, double-spaced in between paragraphs.
12 pt. Times New Roman font.
One inch borders all around.

Entries must be submitted within the body of an email with the title line "February Contest Submission." No email attachments will be opened. Entry deadline date is February 28, 2005, with the winning entry announced March 15th.

Send submissions (or any questions) to [email protected]

The chosen author will win a publishing contract with Aphrodite Unlaced, Inc. and a special "featured book" article in our Writer's Corner.

We welcome you to get in on the ground floor with us and spread your creative wings!

Lusty writing to you all!
Aphrodite Unlaced



I hope it's true, what Mom said, that when I ask a stupid question probably other people are wondering the same thing. Otherwise, I'll just look like a dope.

Am I right in my understanding, that the prize for this short story contest is a featured spot at the AU website for book sales and a publishing contract? Maybe I missed something.

Uh, what if the winner has a no book available through your site and nothing suitable to offer for a future publishing contract?

I have book-length erotica written, but nothing that seems like a good fit, or I'd have submitted it. However, I do have short stories that might be in the running. Is there any point to entering the contest, or is it as self-limiting as it seems like it might be?

Maryn, meaning no disrespect


No Disrespect taken :)

Not a dopey question :)

Here's a long winded answer that I hope covers everything!

Aphrodite Unlaced is in on the ground floor of Erotic E-Book Publishing and moving up.

Besides our current authors signed on, we are always seeking new voices. What we are offering for new writers (to our publishing site) is a "contest" for a royalty paying contract to put that particular winning contest story on the site in a featured place for purchase as well as an article and promotional spot concerning that piece and specific author on our Writer's Corner.

The story will not be viewed or put on the site other than as a bonafide contest winning, stand alone e-book purchase, including publisher designed cover art.

The contract and promotion is for that particular winning contest piece only. One distinct advantage, besides the extra article and on site promotional kick, is that with a contest deadline, you avoid the longer process of a general submission's acceptance through regular publishing guidelines.
We choose a specific theme to give a bit of a challenge to the writer to create within a more distinct guideline and structured boundary. All non-winning entries remain the property of the authors.

It's a chance for authors to be seen in a new venue and be paid royalties for any sales of the winning entry.
It's a chance for us to provide the Erotic readership with the quality work of someone whose voice they may not have heard.

Also, there is a chance that no winner will be declared if we feel an appropriate piece hasn't been entered. Offering quality writing for our readership is our main goal. Contest standards still are held to the same guidelines as regular submissions.

Though there is no entry fee or monetary prize there is however the potential to get your name out there as a writer and make royalties. Entry into the contest doesn't require any further participation or commitment to Aphrodite Unlaced and vice versa...though we would hope that contest winners will continue to write with us!

We'd be delighted to accept submissions outside the format of a promotional contest, for regular inclusion in our catalogs, as well.

It would be great to hear from you :)

So to reiterate...the concert is simply a timely opportunity for an extra push in promoting your winning work to the readers in the E-book world as well as an opportunity to earn royalties for your creative talents on that piece.

Hopefully, I have answered your question for you ;)
Thanks for taking the time to ask!
If you have more detailed questions, feel free to write:
[email protected] or
[email protected]




Whew, I didn't look as silly as I'd feared. (When am I going to get over this teenage angst of fretting over what people think?)

Your reply clarified everything quite nicely. I have a good story which requires some trimming to make your word count, but that shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks for your prompt reply, and best of luck with getting so many high-quality submissions that it's hard to choose a winner.
