Is this enough words

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Ty T

My screenplay is 120 pages and is roughly 25,000 words long, does this seem appropriate for the number of pages


Ty -

For screenplays it's page count that matters not word count.

Screenplays are calculated at 1 minute of screentime per page, so 120 pages comes out to a two hour movie which is fine.



very funny. if your script is in proper format, you're fine. the number of words needed to tell a story is not known. format, however, is standard



I don't think it really matters as long as your story is good and its not way over in pages (120 seems to be the limit these days for a spec), but I would assume that by your word count you may have a lot of action lines and that may indicate that there is not a lot of white space.

I looked at some of my scripts (and others) in that page range and I come up with 21,000 to 23,000 words with action and dialog almost evenly taking the bulk of 95% or better. Genre plays a big part in the percentages. An action flick with be more action line heavy, whereas a drama tends to have dialog well over 50%.

Final Draft has some great reports. Statistics is a good one. It will tell you the weights between your dialog, action, character, etc... Tells you how much your characters speak and so on. Well worth it if you like analyzing your work.

Having not seen the script, I can only assume that you don't have a lot of white space. My advice. If you don't have a lot of white space, try and trim it down. You'ld be surprised what a word here and a word there can do to quicken the read but still keep the story intact. I recently did a trim on my last script and lost 5 pages and I can't tell the difference between the two drafts.


I recently did a trim on my last script and lost 5 pages and I can't tell the difference between the two drafts.
Except one is 5 pages shorter.

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