Pitch to Miramax, Dimension, MTV and more LIVE

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WorldPitch.com L.LC. presents our Premiere Virtual Expo, January 7th-9th, 2005!

This is an Invitation to all behind-the-scenes Creative Talent in the industry! From writers to directors to producers to filmmakers to anyone with an idea (or better yet, a script, treatment, trailer, etc.) -- we're extending our red carpet to you!

Where: Saint Michael Academy in NYC
When: January 7th- 9th
What: Sit and Pitch to some of the Industries top Executives (including, but not limited to MTV Development, Miramax, and Dimension Films!)
How: Find out how on our website @ www.worldpitch.com

Secure you spot with some of the top Execs of today! Space is limited. Creative Talent is limited to three pitch session per executive.

Need some brush-up lessons on how to pitch along with technique? New to pitching in general? Sign up now for our courses!


SESSIONS are going fast. Very limited space available.

Pitch face-to-face to Miramax, Dimension Films, Revere Pictures, MTV and many more to be added.

This is the opportunity you've be waiting for your whole life.


You Pitch, They Listen, We Connect

aka eraser

I've deleted most of the ones I found and moved the first to Announcements (where it belongs IMO). I left this one here since it did seem relevant to screenwriting. If he returns with virtually the same announcement (as he did in Novel Writing) I'll just nuke it.
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