Southern Cal. Book Promo Partner Wanted

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My name is Xina Marie Uhl and I'm the author of a fantasy adventure novel called NECROPOLIS. I'm a resident of Southern California who is looking for one or more book
promotion partners to collaborate with on setting up signings, readings, convention tables, etc., and in general to act as a team in selling our books. I would prefer authors with genres similar to mine like science fiction, horror, possibly even romance with a fantastical twist.

Please send me an email at [email protected] and we'll talk!


Xina Marie Uhl

XThe NavigatorX

Well, I probably won't be able to help you, but I gotta say I've only read three PA books in my life, and yours was one of them. I bought it used at a store here in Tucson about three or four months ago.

I enjoyed it very much.


Wow! Thanks for writing! I'm so glad to hear from a reader - especially one who enjoyed my stuff :D . Yeah, PA leaves much to be desired as a publisher, but it's nice to know that my efforts at hawking my wares are getting out there.

Betty W01


If anyone is tempted to wade in here with pro/con comments on PA, STOP!!

Take it to the Take It Outside room and the threads concerning that topic. This rule (set by head honcho Jenna herself) was made to keep PA threads from overwhelming every forum on the board.

Thank you.

And good luck with your promotions, Rue37!
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