hello from writerruth

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hui, I've just found this group and I'm impressed. It's not too big, it's helpful, and friendly.

now, about me. I am a writer, mostly of essays and novels. I also dabble in poetry. I am a founding member of a real life writers group, in rural Brown County Ohio. I am the Public Relations offficer. I became the Public Realations officer because my submissions to local newspapers are almost always used as letters to the editors. To the point that the papers did quit calling to confirm that I wrote them. In a small community, this is a big deal.

I am a wife and mother, I am a college student, and I work full time at a local McDonalds franchise. My husband is disabled, my daughters are teenagers. Life sucks. But I write. I have always written, it is what I do, it is a part of my identity, more than brown hair (turning gray or dyed auburn) or bad shoulder.

that's me. When I have found my way around some, I will post in the appropriate places. GFlad to be here, hope I can find what I need, and that I will be able to give back to others needs. I will be sometimes slow at that -- I'm kinda busy a lot. Thanks.


Hiya writerruth! Wow, you sound like a busy lady. What are you studying in college?
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