Repost: Cup of Comfort Story-Call/Dogs


Not harboring illegal parrot
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Feb 12, 2005
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Parrot Cage, Alabama
Cup of Comfort Story Call-Out/Dogs
A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers

As any dog lover will attest, dogs are, indeed, our best friends and so much more. They're also our helpers, heroes, champions, teachers, and beloved family members. For this volume, we seek heartwarming true stories that speak to the amazing bond between dogs and the people who love them. Stories can focus on any experience/theme that demonstrates how a dog has inspired and/or enriched the life/lives of a human(s). Possible themes include but are not limited to a dog's:
* Devotion and loyalty
* Courage
* Amazing feats
* Role as a member of a family or community
* Companionship
* Therapeutic effect on a human
* Unique relationship with a person
* Unique relationship with another pet or animal
* Inspirational effect on one or more people
* Amusing, endearing, exceptional ways

We do NOT want sad stories about a pet's suffering or death. However, stories can be about the life of a dog that is now deceased and can include a fond farewell to a lost pet provided the story isn't solely about the pet's death.

Please review writers' guidelines, below.
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2006*

*Stories are reviewed and semifinalists are selected throughout the submission period; early submission is encouraged.

Writers' Guidelines

How to Create a Savory Cup of Comfort Story

A Cup of Comfort stories weave powerful life lessons into vividly told tales. They are nonfiction stories that read like fiction but always ring true. They are slice-of-life tales that reveal the positive aspects of humanity; that
inspire, entertain, and enlighten the readers; and that bring tears of
compassion and joy to our eyes, hope to our hearts, and comfort to our souls.

Cup of Comfort stories are honest, original, and creative depictions of the most important and influential experiences and relationships in our lives.

Each Cup of Comfort anthology includes a balanced mix of stories of varied themes, such as:
* Extraordinary achievements and experiences of extraordinary people
* Life-changing, life-affirming, or life-defining experiences and
* Epiphany, synchronicity, serendipity
* Finding/giving comfort in difficult times
* Triumph over tragedy or adversity
* Life's blessings and miracles, big and small
* Finding the silver lining in a dark cloud; turning lemons into lemonade
* Relationships and experiences that bring hope, understanding, healing
* Catalysts for and examples of positive change; acts of kindness

Tips for Writing a Winning Cup of Comfort Story

* Create an anecdotal story about an event or series of event(s) that had a profound and positive impact on you or on the person(s) you are writing about.
* Write a personal story that embodies a universal truth.
* Show, don't tell. Construct and color your story with action, anecdotes, imagery, dialog, scenes, description, etc. Minimize use of adjectives and
adverbs. Make the reader experience the events and emotions portrayed.
* Write from the heart. Tell your story honestly, fully, and succinctly.
Make each scene as real for the readers as it was for the person who lived or witnessed it.
* Begin with a strong lead that hooks the reader and that clearly and
creatively introduces the main character(s), establishes the central theme of the story (plot), and sets the scene.
* Create a rich middle that depicts compelling life experiences and human
emotions. The mid-section should include at least one compelling plot point (pivotal moment) as well as transitional scenes or other transitional devices that continually move the story forward and toward the conclusion.
* Build your story around a distinctive, compelling, and believable
premise that weaves together the story and that drives the plot forward.
* End with a satisfying conclusion that resolves the conflict/challenge in a positive way, leaves readers with an Aha! or Wow! or Yes! moment, and elicits tears or cheers or both.
* Use lively, descriptive language that is appropriate for the time, place,
and people depicted in the story as well as for A Cup of Comfort readers (that is, mainstream adult).
* Read your story out loud to "hear" how it flows and to determine whether it "sounds" realistic and interesting. Revise (edit) to remove redundancies and anything that is not essential to the story, such as unncessary adjectives and adverbs. Make every word count and make sure the story flows together seamlessly.
* One of the best ways to discover the nature and flavor of Cup of Comfort stories is to read them. A Cup of Comfort books can be purchased from booksellers everywhere.

Submission Specifications

* Payment: $500 Grand Prize awarded to one story per volume; $100 (each) paid for all other stories published in the book. Payment is upon publication.
* Author Copies: One complimentary copy of the book per story. Additional copies may be purchased from the publisher at a discounted rate for orders of five or more books.
* Story Length: 1,000-2,000 words (+/- 100 words); no exceptions
* Point of View: First-person or third-person; no second person
* Story Structure: Narrative essay or creative nonfiction, dramatic or humorous, but it must be a story. We do not publish vignettes, short-short pieces, fiction, poetry, prose, profiles, eulogies, sermons, testimonials, journal entries, letters, academic papers, commentary, articles, diatribes, memoir chapters, academic papers, confessionals, commentary, erotica, pornography, or experimental literature.
* Style/Tone: Stories must be uplifting, and can be poignant, heartwarming, and/or humorous.
* Stories must be original, true, positive, and in English.
* Some previously published material is acceptable. We do not publish
reprints of material that has been or will be published in a glossy magazine with a large circulation or in a book (with the exception of books comprised solely of the author's original works).
* A publishing agreement will be mailed to the Author of each story selected as a finalist.
* Due to the large volume of submissions received, we cannot respond to queries regarding the status of nor provide feedback on individual stories not selected as finalists.
* Manuscripts are not returned.
* Authors may submit multiple stories for any and all volumes of Cup of Comfort.
* Entrants pay no entry or reading fees.

How to Submit Your Story

* Electronic (emailed) submissions are preferred; mailed and faxed
submissions are acceptable.
Typed submissions are preferred; neatly handwritten submissions are
* Each submission must include the following information at the top of the first page of the story:
Your full and legal name
Your mailing address
Your phone number
Your email address, if applicable
Story title
Story word-count (approximate)
*Choose one of these submission methods:
Email: In the subject line, cite the Cup of Comfort volume (i.e., Grandparents)
or theme (i.e., Bereavement). If the story is being submitted for more than one
theme, list all themes in the subject line and submit the story once. Copy and
paste (or type) the story into the body of the email. No attachments. One story
per email. Send to:

[email protected]
-- or --
[email protected]

Mail: You can send more than one story per envelope. Include one self-addressed, postage-paid envelope for each submission. Send only the paper copy of the story; do not send computer disks or CDs. Mail to:

Cup of Comfort
Adams Media
57 Littlefield St.
Avon, Massachusetts 02322, USA

Fax: On a cover sheet or at the top of the story's first page, indicate the volume(s)/theme(s) for which you are submitting the story and the number of pages being submitted. If the story is being submitted for more than one volume/theme, send only one copy of the story. Fax to:

Please direct questions and suggestions to: [email protected] or
[email protected]. We cannot accept phone calls.


Thanks, Anne. I zipped off a submission as soon as I saw your post.
Joanne M. Friedman
Horses make the humor,
I just clean it up.

Great! Glad the market listing was helpful to you. Good luck! :)


BlueBadger vbmenu_register("postmenu_651990", true);
Board fanatic

Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Toronto
Posts: 118

This sounds like fun. Thanks for posting it!
A Blog draws near! Command?

You're welcome. Be sure to submit something! :)