Giving a character a voice writing exercise


Super Member
May 15, 2016
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Come up with a random character. It could be one you just made up, it could be one of your own characters, or it could be a famous character. Could be an animal(a fictional one that talks of course), could be a human, could be an astronaut, could be a dragon. It can be whatever you want it to be. Write a brief description of the character, such as their gender, name, occupation, and appearance. The next person to comment will create a monologue for your character, and then describe a character of their own for the next person to create a monologue for.

I'll start with something silly and simple:

Name: Fluffy
Fluffy is a fat ol' housecat that belongs to a crazy cat lady on an old dairy farm. She enjoys spending her days drinking milk and cuddling with her owner. She has a bit of a cat-nip addiction, and goes to seek counseling outside the barn house with the cows and sheep.

Now that's pretty crazy. Let's see what you can come up with.

jaus tail

Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'll go....

Fluffy yawned. One more step and she'd enter the broken barn where the stupid cows and super-shy sheep had assembled for their stupid addiction programs. Bah, Fluffy collapsed on the ground and let sleep take over. But the sunlight hit her face and her eyes. Darn, if only she had a hat. Not being able to bear the heat, Fluffy turned on he stomach and crawled. One paw ahead, pull herself forward, and repeat the exercise.

The first thing she did after reaching the barn was jump in the watery trench and sigh.

'There you are.'
Fluffy recognized the voice. Mega Stupid cow Megi was angry as usual.

'Chill down, Megi.' Fluffy rotated to let the water hit all of her fur and wash away the sweat. 'So how's the addiction?'

'Well I'm glad you asked,' replied Megi. 'I was beginning to think you forgot about it.'

Fluffy was about to reply a witty remark but instead yawned. Then got out of the trench and sighed. 'Is the meeting over?'

'As a matter of fact, yes,' said Megi. 'And we're just leaving.'

'Great,' replied Fluffy, walked to the hay and fell asleep.


Every evening at 5 PM Mike goes out to play with his friends. His fights don't last more than a minute. His mom has to call him to remind him to come home and eat dinner. After dinner Mike again goes out to play with his friends. He is excited about going to school so he can have paper-ball battles in class with his more friends.