My look at Reiko

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I'm sure I'm not the only one on this board who has read Reiko the Zombie Shop, but I would like to offer my two cents. The story is about a highschool girl who works a necromancer on the side. For a large price, that vary depending on the customer's income, she can raise a loved one from the dead long enough for them to explain the purpose of their death. In volume one, a sleepy town is hit with a series of murders where nearly all the victoms are little girls. This is a side story that is jumped back and forth from between this and the adventures of Reiko. That is, until the end where the killer and Reiko meet face to face with bloody results.

Now my first take on this is that it's not for the weak of heart and stomach. Blood shoots up like a gyser and there is not one chapter where someone doesn't die in a horrible way. The shojo-esqe art work is in compleate contrast to the plot. So it's easy to get thrown off. Fans of B movies and zombie flicks will praise this, the easily offended will probibly burn it. For those willing and able, I say go out and get it, it's worth every cent. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this and I hope that others will get into it too.

On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 9.3

Oh, and for those who believe in karma, you'll like the ending.


You know, if you have any comments you'd like to share, I'm all ears so to speak. You can post if you have an opinion of question about anything.
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