tangible accomplishments

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When you're browsing the magazine racks this weekend, check out the CarbLite premiere issue. You'll see yours truly under:

Features p 36
"Halloween Fright: How you and your kids can survive the sugar rush on October 31"


Perspectives p 98
"Stephanie Olsen relates her humorous experience of going
low-carb in Poland"

As if that's not enough, lookie here:


Okay, enough shameless boasting! (but thanks for listening...)



Thanks Melina.

It rots being in my little village in Europe sometimes, because American magazines are so hard to come across. I have to wait for the editor to mail me hard-copy clips -- but it's not the same as flipping through the mag at WalMart...

aka eraser

Way to go Stephanie! Je suis tres heureux pour vous!

eraser - who can fracture both of Canada's official languages.

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