Unpublished Beacon Contest

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Rollin' up my sleeves
Super Member
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
In a land where Procrastination is queen
Did anyone submit to this contest?

I submitted my manuscript back before I realized that my novel doesn't really fulfill the paranormal romance genre and is actually an urban fantasy, so I didn't expect it to go anywhere (and not surprisingly, it didn't make it to the next round), but I was so pleased with the comments!

This was the first time I received "professional" feedback on my manuscript (I have a partial out there, but I haven't heard back yet). They really liked the premise, the Hero, the dialogue (I even got a few "great showing instead of telling comments!") and the sense of humor. One commented on the great urban feel of the novel. They didn't like my MC--she's a sex-obsessed, foul-mouthed, hard-drinking woman--but at least they thought she was funny! I guess I'm just so happy that they *got* her. They didn't like her (and that's ok because she doesn't really want people to like her), but they got her--whew!

Even the negative comments made me feel good and lifted my spirits as I twiddle my thumbs in query letter limbo. Tonight I'll send off a few more queries in search of that agent who gets that she's a sex-obsessed, foul-mouthed, hard-drinking woman but likes her anyway. :D

Anyone else submit and get feedback?
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