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Seeking Writting Buddy/Mentor Urban Fantasy

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Super Member
Aug 17, 2011
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For years I have been a closet scribbler. I have hundreds of hidden lined notebooks filled with unedited stories, outlines and snipits. My only goal until recently was to get the story in my head out so that it would stop running around plaguing me with the 50 different possible endings.

I am now trying to take my writing to a more serious addiction level. Determined to finish an entire novel, I've set goals and reorganized my life to give me time to write. My work is mostly Urban Fantasy although I would love to try some paranormal romance some day.

My professional experience with writing is exclusively in the Technical field. I am co-author on several Air Traffic Control Manuals, written more Project Proposals than I care to count and Hundreds of mini technical guides for Software Testing. As such I tend to have the opposite problem from most writers and pull too much description out of a story.

As a thirty six year old, full time systems engineer, Mother of 2 and wife I only get 1-2 hours a day to write before bed so I am not particularly prolific. I am looking for someone to guide, encourage, critique and occasionally hit me with a clue by four. I would be happy to beta read and offer what help and assistance I can in return.

Warning: I can be extremely Left brain analytical.
I am fanatical about doing exactly what I say I will and expect others to respect that.
I am awful at story beginnings.

If after that ramble you are still interested in being my buddy/mentor please respond or PM me.
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