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Need a writing partner and got an 80K to back it up!

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Super Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Hey everyone, looking for a second beta, my current beta is busy with her own work and I would like another for my own benefit.

The novel was written during the greater part of last fall. It's called Leonard Campantella, about a man trying to find what went wrong in his past relationships in the weeks leading up to his wedding. In seeking to right those wrongs, he threatens to derail his current relationship. And did I mention one of his former girlfriends is dying, or there's more than one lost love? That's because there are five of them, and he's finding each one behind his wife's back.

Not enough for you?

It has undergone one major revision and several re-writes. Hope that helps. :)

I am looking for someone who is direct, will say what they think, and doesn't mind back and forth at random times of day. I am 25 years old, expecting our first child in January 2012, and I've written three novels. Although I'm working to support new family, I still find the time to put my pen to the page (or in my case, my fingers to the keyboard!)

Please note this is not a finished product and needs some work, and a pair of objective eyes is always appreciated. If you are interested, I am also able to read other's manuscripts but my time is fairly limited so it's a slow process.

Look forward to talking with you!
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