manucript format

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hi, quick question - what exactly is the official manuscript format again? Courier New, double spaced, but what size font? 10? 11? 12?

I have a little over 40,000 words, so calculating pages (250 words per page is standard, right?) gives me 160 pages. Yet actually putting my story in Courier New, 12 pt font, doubled spaced gives me a full 200 pages. This seems like a pretty big discrepency. I know word count is more important, but still... Anyway, I'm just trying to learn all I can about this process, so if anybody can provide a little info, I'd appreciate it!


Pumped Up Kicks
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Jul 17, 2005
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Canada's Ocean Playground
Thanks for thank link, Stormie. I learned a lot from it.

My personal preference in New Times Roman, 12pt. I type in that because I've gotten so used to it. Had no clue that Dark Courier 12pt was a standard though. I think I'll try converting it my stuff to that after I write it. Hold habits die hard. :)

Only one other thing I'd add from what's in that link. Even though Dark Courier seems to be the established norm, read the submission guidelines. Sometimes they do differ from place to place.


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Feb 13, 2005
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liquidownage said:
hi, quick question - what exactly is the official manuscript format again? Courier New, double spaced, but what size font? 10? 11? 12?

I have a little over 40,000 words, so calculating pages (250 words per page is standard, right?) gives me 160 pages. Yet actually putting my story in Courier New, 12 pt font, doubled spaced gives me a full 200 pages. This seems like a pretty big discrepency. I know word count is more important, but still... Anyway, I'm just trying to learn all I can about this process, so if anybody can provide a little info, I'd appreciate it!

It is a big discrepency, and that's the whole point. It should be. Courier, 10pt or 12 pitch, is what should be used for the very reason that there is a large discrepency.

And have you ever tried to hand edit a 100,000 word novel that's written in Times 12. It would make a saint start drinking. There just isn't enough room between the letters and words to easily insert all the proofreaders' mark you need to use.
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