What I learned from Rocky II.

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Jul 4, 2008
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A seemingly random topic, I know, but I'm in a random mood and it pertains to writing. Kind of.

Obviously, as a creative writing student, my talent is constantly being questioned by myself, and I'm sure, my peers and professors. It's not that I'm ever told to quit writing and change my major. In fact, I'm encouraged. But why am I still not convinced I'm on the right path?

With every critique, I feel more and more diffident. I know that critiques aren't personal attacks, and they exist for my own benefit. I go into every new story with the idea that it's going to be better than the last. When it comes to critique time, I can't help but feel that it's somehow worse than the last.

Perhaps it's just that I've corrected errors in my previous work only to find myself making new ones. It seems like a never ending surplus of errors exist in my writing, a never ending spiral. My work at this point is never error free, and probably never will be as long as I keep writing.

Naturally, dejection sets in at this point, along with self-analysis and criticism. "Why do I think I have what it takes to become a writer?" "I'll never get any better." "Do I have talent at all?" "Should I quit?"

As much as I'm bombarded by these notions, I can't ever bring myself to quit. I've even resorted to writing stories I'm never going to submit to a workshop or a publisher. I do it because I need to write, regardless if anyone reads my stories or not.

Which brings me to the topic at hand, Rocky II. There are a plethora of memorable lines from the Rocky series, some of my favorites being, "Rocky, why don't you invest in condominiums?" "I never use those things," and "Ey, how do you spell Del Rio?" But none have struck a nerve more than the line which inspired this thread:

"I'm a fighter. I'm not very good, but it's what I do."

I realized that maybe I've been looking too much into being a great writer instead of just being a writer. Writing is what I love to do. It's one of the only things I do. And it's just what I do. So what if I'm not great? If I can accept myself, maybe others will. Perhaps all I need is my own writing montage, accompanied by inspiring 80's music, to motivate me and get some work done.

Thanks, Stallion.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Just wanted to get that out there. Guess I needed the confidence boost right about now.

Happy writing. And always remember, when in doubt, boxing frozen meat will prepare you for any challenge.
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