Marketing a roman a clef


Apr 23, 2009
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I'm trying to figure out the best way to market my roman a clef to agents. I thought someone might have some insight or suggestions.

I originally started writing it as a memoir, but decided against it because a) it involved a large company that could squash me like a kumquat if they didn't like what I wrote and b) it allowed me much greater freedom to take liberties with the storyline (I don't want to be the next James Fry).

It seems like plenty of agents I find are interested in memoir these days. But I think maybe I should look more closely at agents looking for humor/satire. An agent looking for memoir could be looking for uplifting stories from AIDS patients or Holocaust survivors and here comes my story about drinking, carousing, and dirty secrets.

Or should I just change it back to memoir and roll the dice? It makes for a more marketable book and I don't think it wouldn't be the first book to slam a big company by name. Does anyone have any knowlege or experience with the legalities of writing about corporations?