How Capital Captured Politics

Diana Hignutt

Very Tired
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Super Member
Feb 13, 2005
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Albany, NY
In May, an international trade agreement was signed that effectively serves as a kind of legal backbone for the restructuring of world markets. While the Trade in Services Agreement (Tisa) negotiations were not censored outright, they were barely mentioned in our media. This marginalisation and secrecy was in stark contrast to the global historical importance of what was agreed upon.
In June, WikiLeaks made public the secret draft text of the agreement. It covers 50 countries and most of the world's trade in services.
It sets rules that would assist the expansion of financial multinationals into other nations by preventing regulatory barriers. It prohibits more regulation of financial services, despite the fact that the 2007-08 financial meltdown is generally perceived as resulting from a lack of regulation. Furthermore, the US is particularly keen on boosting cross-border data flow, including traffic

This, then, is where we stand with regard to democracy, and the Tisa agreement is a perfect example. The key decisions concerning our economy are negotiated and enforced in secret, and set the coordinates for the unencumbered rule of capital. In this way, the space for decision-making by the democratically elected politicians is severely limited, and the political process deals predominantly with issues towards which capital is indifferent (like culture wars).

A little article on the capture of democracy by corporations. Bolding by me.


Rob J. Vargas
Dec 9, 2011
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If anyone is surprised, after the USA tried to make copyright agreements (ACTA) a matter of national security, they they haven't been paying attention.

And the US media is only too happy to enable that. As long as we have our butts in seats in front of the Boob Tube, they're happy to spend 30 seconds on this, and 30 minutes on the roundness of Kim Kardashian's ass.