How much action do you like in your fantasy?

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Fantasy Smut? Yes please!
Super Member
Dec 19, 2011
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NL, Canada
I like conflict and what not, but I pretty much skip over battle scenes.

I can't read books where there's page after page of people dancing and parrying and slashing with their swords. Even when you add in magic, I'm only slightly more interested. I find it just terribly boring to read and typically just try to skip over to see who got wounded and who won.

I don't mind it when it /matters/. Some of the Forgotten Realms books, though, have 'epic battles' with, like, rats. After a while of the group fighting everything they came across, and every battle being portrayed as so important and dangerous, it really lessened to climax. Like when everything is a life or death epic battle, it just doesn't translate well to reading for me. If I wanted that, I'd play D&D with friends :D
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