Thank You For All The PA Posts!!!!


I was just about to fall into the PA trap. I was about to give my e-mail acceptance to their sample contract and let them publish my book. Geez what an eye opener you all gave me. I can't say thank you enough. I have decided that I am going to seek out an agent and other publishing sources. If any of you can give me some pointers I would appreciate it very much. Thank you all once again!

James D Macdonald

Get a copy of <A HREF="" target="_new">Writer's Market</a> (your local library should have a copy of the current edition).

Look for publishers who publish the kind of book you've written.

Go to a bookstore. Find publishers who actually have books on the shelves.

Using those two pieces of information, make a list of who you'd be happiest to be published by. Get those publishers' guidelines. Follow the guidelines explicitly when you're submitting your work.

Writer's Market has a number of useful articles in addition to the market listings.

Educate yourself about publishing. This is a business, this writing. It's up to you to learn as much as you can about the business you're trying to break into.

A compelling story compellingly told trumps nearly every other consideration. Work on your craft. You don't just have to be as good as the people who are currently being published, you have to be better (for some value of "better") to be picked up.

Remember, every single author who has a book on the shelves of your local bookstore was once an unpublished first-timer.

A good publisher gets books onto the shelves of doors-and-windows bookstores without the author's intervention ("listed at,, and on the publisher's website" does not cut it). A useful agent has sold books you've heard of.

Aim high.


Check out the Preditors & Editors website, likewise Writer Beware. Speculations' Rumor Mill also has useful information.


I'm forgetting my manners: You're welcome! Happy to be of assistance, as are we all.

Good luck, and go forward bravely.

Betty W01

This topic is closed, as well as all other new threads having to do with PA. If you HAVE to discuss this, see Jenna's sticky note (see thread at the top of the board) and then go and do likewise.

James D. Macdonald

Your Genial Uncle
Absolute Sage
Super Member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire

In a bit I'm going to merge several of the smaller, more redundant PublishAmerica threads into one larger archive thread. In the meantime, the NEPAT (Never Ending Publish America Thread) is waiting....