A plug for your horror of the moment...

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Nov 14, 2005
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I imagine a thread where we can plug (voice) our horror by writing a short blurb. Something that we use or will not use, but gets us started in the right direction.

Here's my first attempt:

Not even the flies would bother with my rotting corpse. They just gathered on top of the television and stared at me.

I had a bad week already. I was shot dead in the alley behind Megan's furniture store. That happened on Monday and since then bads things; like decaying flesh and an appetite for raw meat has marked the past five days.

I'm going to sit up in a minute and scrounge around for something to eat. There's really not much food left from the stray dog who wandered into my back yard. So, I'm not much of a hunter -- like it was a choice of mine in the first place -- and I'll most likely will have to wait until dark before setting off to the park for dinner.

My life hadn't always been this bad. Nope. Once I had a real life and a good job at the laundry mat. I didn't go out much and I was always kind of special with the neighbors. I can't believe that they don't want anything to do with me now.


What did they expect?

I came back to the neighborhood, didn't I?


Okay, who's next? Just a blurb and let's get into the horror of writing.


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