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[Packager] DWJ Books, LLC (formerly Book Builders LLC)


Does anyone have any experience working with this book packager? I mentioned them to another writer friend who had heard a warning about them, but she doesn't remember the details.


Book Builders

By "book packager" what exactly do you mean? There's an industry-accepted definition of this term, but some people use it incorrectly to describe what they do.

There's a non-profit organization called Bookbuilders, for people in publishing and book manufacturing.

- Victoria
Writer Beware


Thanks - I got the answers I was looking for

Victoria, I mean "book packager" as the term suggests. I am aware of the org Bookbuilders, but I am referring to a book packager/development house/book producer (take your pick) named Book Builders, LLC, and located in New York City.:) The pertinent info is really the name & location . . . I take it you haven't heard of them, but thanks for trying to help.

Meanwhile, since I posted here yesterday, I've tracked down some other writer colleagues through my own network who echoed the warning I got from my friend, so I won't be taking any assignments from Book Builders. (The complaints had to do with very low & ridiculously late pay, among other things, but I won't offer further details since I don't have first-hand experience with them).


Book Builders in NYC

I too am having a bad experience with them -- wrote a sample entry for an encyclopedia supposedly to be published by Sage. The editor liked it and asked me to choose other topics. Meanwhile, no contract, and many excuses about administrative glitches, etc. I wrote two more entries, but am not sending them and not starting any others until that contract arrives. I am also going to ask Sage if this is on the up and up. When I find out more, I'll post again.



Which Sage? I did freelance copy editing for Sage Publications in the 1980s and 1990s. I did not find them entirely upright in their dealings with me. There's also a Russell Sage Foundation.


Book Builders

Yes, Sage Publications. At least I was able to verify that they are indeed publishing this encyclopedia.

I got the contract from Book Builders, and the terms are awful, but since I'm more than half way done with the articles I'm going through with it.


Book Builders


I, too, am having an unprofessional and unpleasant experience with Book Builders. I recast a book for them and now that my payment is due, they are pulling a few more tricks in addition to the ones they pulled while I was writing for them (not sending the contract but repeatedly claiming they did over a seven-week period, trying to get more out of me than what was justified and contracted, etc.).

I have involved several professional organizations to get what I am owed. I would like to hear from those of you with grievances against them. If there are enough of us, as it sounds like there are, we can help each other and future writers by speaking with one voice, or at least comparing notes.

If you've dealt with Book Builders, please e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you,

Tish Davidson

This Sage?

Is this the sage pubs that you are talking about?

SAGE Publications USA &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
2455 Teller Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320



Tish, yes, the Sage I worked with was in Thousand Oaks. I don't know whether that's the same Sage mentioned higher in the thread.

Tish Davidson

Re: Sage

I have recently worked for Corwin Press. a subsidiary of Sage,as a development editor and aside from offering less pay than I would have liked, I found them easy to work with and prompt to pay.


book builders, and sage

I'm also having trouble with Book Builders in NYC. I am trying to get the money that is owed to me (since February 2004). Anyone thinking of working with them should definitely reconsider.

Also, I have worked with Sage Publications since 1997 and have not had any trouble. I work with journals, not books though, so there might be different procedures or policies.


Re: book builders, and sage

They are a source of great frustration and confusion. I have been trying to collect from them since April 04. Beware.



I was able to collect $100 from them in June by having a lawyer write to them. They still owe me $200, and I will have to have him write again. It may come to having to go to small claims court, and I am prepared to do that.

They are thieves, and get away with not paying lots of people who just give up. I do not intend to do that.


Beware Book Builders LLC on Madison Ave

In my experience, Book Builders, LLC in NYC (427 Madison Ave, 212-371-1110; Lauren Fedorko, owner) does not pay. I personally know of at least five other writers, editors, or illustrators who have received similar treatment from this company. If you have been ripped off by Book Builders and would like to share your experience, please write to me at [email protected].

Two years ago, I signed a contract with Book Builders to write articles for an encyclopedia they were producing. I wrote and revised the articles, which were accepted by the editors and delivered to the publishers. The book is now in press; I only ever received partial payment, and that one year after it was due.

I never received my final payments, and Book Builders seems to have no intentions of ever paying me. I can understand that projects sometimes go slower than expected or that companies can experience financial difficulties, but all my numerous attempts to contact Book Builders for the past year regarding payment have been unsuccessful. They have not once responded to my emails, phone calls, or letters, nor given any reason for refusing to honor their contract. When I do manage to speak to someone at the company, I am given vague promises that they will "look into it" and get back to me; they never have.

I want to add that in 20 years of freelance writing, I have never been treated so poorly by a company, nor have I ever taken such a step as this before to warn others. Book Builders' conduct has convinced me, however, that others need to know what they might be getting into if they contract with this company. Publishers should know as well. Please pass this warning on.

You can read about the experiences of others at: Media Bistro <https://www.mediabistro.com/bbs/cache%5Ct15189_1.asp>, WritersWeekly <http://www.writersweekly.com/whispers_and_warnings.php>, Absolute Write <http://p197.ezboard.com/fabsolutewritefrm11.showMessage?topicID=184.topic>