Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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Feb 12, 2005
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Anyone into CS: GO? I searched for a thread but couldn't find one. It's a super violent game so if you're not into these, stop reading now!

I hadn't played games in ages, I just fell out of the habit somehow. Writing probably took up my spare hours. But I recently saw some screenshots of Global Offensive on Imgur uploaded by enthusiastic players and thought, that looks fun. Searched for and found a bargain price, bought the CD-key and added the game to Steam.

So far I've only played with the bots -- they're hard enough to beat, they're smart and sneaky even at Medium level. I tried the Hard level a couple of times and got plastered all over the landscape. When I get good enough to survive Hard level, I'll maybe think about playing real live people!

The game is kinda political I guess, but no matter which country you're in or who the sometimes-masked terrorists are, they all have innocent names like Keith or Josh or Brad. I've never deliberately chosen the terrorist team, but when I've looked away and auto-select has kicked in and dumped me in among the bad guys, it turns out they're quite a friendly bunch who care about each other. The bad guys never see themselves as the bad guys, right? In their story, they're the heroes. Meanwhile the counter-terrorists turn into the sneaky snakes, springing ambushes on me from the shadows and corners. I'm still not quite ready to sign up with ISIS though, 'cause eff those guys.

GO runs almost decently on my average little laptop which has no special hardware. I say almost -- there's always that fatal half-second lag where I'm desperately trying to dodge or shoot my way out of trouble and just can't make it in time. I'm convinced the bots cheat! I can't hit a thing unless I stand still (as per the in-game advice) but they can jump around like kangaroos or dance from side to side and still shoot the bejabbers out of me. At which point much shouting occurs. Which is all part of the fun.



Dec 6, 2015
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In my early teens, I did league play for Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source. After my family moved to a small valley village, we no longer had access to high-speed internet and I had to give it up. But that's also around the time that I got into playing RPGs and returned to reading heavily, so it was a fair trade off.

I do have Global Offensive on Steam, but I don't play ranked. I'll hop onto a casual server and play a few rounds if I'm particularly stressed or just need to keep my hands and eyes busy while I brainstorm. I feel that the developers left some fun game types and maps behind from the first game in the name of building up a competition title, but as far as competition titles go, I'm glad to see that Global Offensive isn't the most toxic. Only fairly toxic. But still rather fun and easy to pick up for a few quick games now and then.
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