Top Twitter Hashtags For Authors To Use - 2017


Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
New York
Remember only use 3 hashtags at a time. No more than that...

Promotion and Connecting With Readers
#99c - use this if you are selling your book for 99 cents
#99cents - use this if you are selling your book for 99 cents
#AmazonCart - each time your readers include #AmazonCart in a tweet, Amazon will know to add the items with the corresponding Amazon link to your readers’ shopping carts.
#bibliophile - If you’re looking for a reader for your books, add this hashtag
#BookPlugs - 1000s of Authors Offering Tiny Writing Blurbs. It's like wine sampling but with books. Authors add #bookplugs to your promos. Prefer the author's own work.
#followfriday or #ff - used on a Friday to suggest people to follow to your followers. (Don’t just tweet handles, tell them why.)
#fRead0 (that’s a zero at the end – not a lower case oh)
#FridayReads or #FridayRead- tell people what you’re reading
#MyWANA (Writer’s community created by Kirsten Lamb)
#PDF1 - PAID FORWARD – A RTing tag for Books/Authors/Writers/Publishers/Agents This tag was created by Van Heerling and his Pay It Forward Team.
#Reader If you’re looking for a reader for your books, add this hashtag
#TeaserTuesday or #TeaserTues

Connect By Book Genre

#MGLit (Middle Grade Lit)
#RWA (Romance Writers of America)
#SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
#Science #Fiction
#Short #Stories

Writing and Connecting With Other Authors

#1K1H or #1K1HR
#1LineWednesday -
#amediting -
#amwriting -
#AmRevising -
#AuthorLife –
#CopyWriting –
#nanowrimo -
#wip -
#WriteChat –
#WriterWednesday (or #WW or ##WW) –
#WriteTip - writing advice
#WritingTip - writing advice