Non-fiction on the activist experience


Feb 27, 2016
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I'm hoping to create a bank of ideas for exploring the non-fiction writing process, when it’s finished this page is hopefully going to be the most important on my blog.

I think it comes down to why one writes, not only how you can improve the work you put out there, but the reasons you go into a project or event in the first place, and what ideas and tools you can bring with you to help you along the way.

I’m going to try and split it down into 3 categories but I'd be interested to get people's opinions if this is the most useful way for exploring writing:

  1. Having an experience in order to record events, (Studying)
    • This could be putting yourself on the ground to record research or media.
  2. Writing to record an event after the fact (Living well)
    • How to draw the truth out of a specific experience.
  3. Writing to serve a function, group together ideas (Practical Work)
    • How to draw together many experiences into one coherent idea, that can be used as a tool.
Any useful articles on the process will go into Creating Culture including Writing, Poetry and Illustration.

What do people think? I could sell the zine collection I have in a shop or as a print distro, but I'm attempting to link to authors websites and do something different like a network of self-employed writers.

Look forward to any feedback you have,