Your most memorable nightmares?

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Burn, Baby, Burn!
Feb 6, 2016
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I love horror novels and movies but they haven't ever affected my dreams. But it's weird that there's a dream bothering me again and again: I was caged deep down in the ocean, and there were lots of monstrous creatures around me. The cage was so small that if I couldn't keep myself in the center, I would, well, be bitten or even die.


Kind Benefactor
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Jan 24, 2006
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Probably my most memorable nightmare is from my childhood, when I used to believe that Bloody Mary lived in a large decrepit house near my own (how I came to believe that is kind of a weird story on its own). I had a series of recurring nightmares where I was trapped in the house and couldn't find an exit. I would get to a window and could see my classmates, teachers, nuns and priests outside (I went to Catholic school) having some sort of picnic in a field, despite it being a foggy, overcast day. No one noticed I was gone. One of the priests could fly for some reason. It was eerie and weird as all hell. So I'd make my way through the empty, large, dark house in search of a way out until I finally I made it to what was basically Bloody Mary's throne room, where she sat with a red veil covering her face and her super-long red fingernails clicking on the armrests of her throne. She'd motion for me to come near and I'd be so scared then that I'd finally wake up.

I've had far worse nightmares since then, but that's still the most memorable. A modified, 'roided-up version of it revisited me a few months ago, in fact, but I managed to control the dream after a while and ended up having fun with it.
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