what will you do?

jaus tail

Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
It's a role play exercise. Like one forumite will say:

Your boss has cancelled your leave, but you really need to go for the vacation. You see your boss shouting at someone. How will you convince your boss to approve your leave?

Next poster will give the answer and present his own situation/imaginary role play scene...

Here goes:

Your boss has cancelled your leave, but you really need to go for the vacation. You see your boss shouting at someone. How will you convince your boss to approve your leave?


Super Member
Oct 5, 2013
Reaction score
United States
I will show the boss the compromising photos I have of him fooling around with Bronzo the Clown, and let him know I'll mail them to his fifth wife, Betsy, if he doesn't restore my leave. My leave will be restored forthwith (because, among other things, somehow he failed to get Betsy to sign a prenuptial agreement).

Next scenario:

On your way from Preston to Warm Springs, Nevada, on the desert highway US-6, your Porsche Cayenne overheats and stalls out. You can't get any signal for your cell phone. All you have on hand for fluids is half a can of sun-heated Mountain Dew. So far, since turning onto US-6, you haven't seen another soul. You know nothing about car care. All you seem to have going for you is your good looks and those cowgirl boots you bought in Vegas two days ago. How will you survive the desert and get yourself out of this fix?

jaus tail

Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
I will search the desert for Aladin and his magic lamp, then I'd trick him to give me his lamp and ask the genie to build me a castle with waterfalls in the backyard, cheetahs as pets, and delicious food every evening.

New Scenario: your colleagues are bullying you at work. you're tired of avoiding them and one day decide to release centipedes and snakes in their cubicle. unfortunately the janitor spots you with a box marked: From African Forests.

what will you do?
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